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Everything posted by sirbeesting

  1. well done hagler,nice looking dog you got there,how do them coons fight ?say along side a fox .??
  2. looks like an excellent days ratting,nice one lads ,super pics ,dogs look sound as well.
  3. welcome to the site,i also use haredcore hunting and i think a few are getting together to keep it running,lets hope so .!!!
  4. same where i am wev'e blown lots from cover but few to ground,there seems to be alot on the lamp as well,but thats no good to me i think this is down to no harsh winters also do gooders trying to draw foxes out by leaving food out for them,its time for a change ,lets hope so ........
  5. collar + transmitter 110eur transreceiver box depens which one y gona use, if only analogue one, full kit price 250eur or the digital one 300eur but depens y can buy the box one ebay and y can get even better price, of course y can buy PIEPS DSP and have a accurate to 10cm, i made several tests and i get exact point of transmiter, and of course y can use analogue mode to get bigger range, y have 8 levels of analogue search so y can get exactly to transmitter. but its mainly about practice y can have B&F and y can dig meter off. y have to know the princip of searching and locatting. mammu
  6. well done boots good end to the season nice pair of dogs you got there,did you ask lounger about them old pics of gouldy?if he will send them on?
  7. hi kiira,welcome to the site,you want to get on to the working terrier forum ,some good lads on there,what sort of a fight does a coon put along side a badger or fox ???
  8. welcome to the site mate,sounds like ur busy enough,keep it up.
  9. sad news pickaxe,hope uve got some out of him so his skill goes on,r.i.p a true warrior..
  10. carl lynch of derby,had many dogs off gary every one true and honest,and all were worked very hard..
  11. thanks boots,wonder if lounger would put any up or send me a p.m?? tufftpaul,cheers for the pic,is that taken from the working terrier year book 1987??
  12. grafter how you doin, i know the first breeds have gone, i just wonderd on the pics of them,i had a dog called tank who smithy was involved with but that was back in 84 i think,not seen ken for a long time,he,s been breeding birds i think.
  13. any one out there got any pics of ken goulds old dog smithy,or any direct bred dogs,sons and daughters??
  14. good luck for today boots,and keep the old lad happy,drop him a bottle off,old lads like that are worth there weight in gold.
  15. i to keep mine on lead till out for a dig ,they know whats coming when you let them off.BANG STRAIGHT IN.its good practise to do this i think it brings them on ?you can give them excercise go to your local park early morning when no berks are about,just make sure there are no earths local.good luck..
  16. good looking lakey there tommy, reminds me of carl lynch's old dogs,well done another good day.
  17. nice one bullsmilk me and me [bANNED TEXT] have been trying for ages to get a cider recipe,lets get swiging. bullsmilk,does it matter what type of apples you use???
  18. sounds like a good day out lads,wev'e seen more above than below in the last couple of years ,problem is the weather is so mild,no good old harsh winters,thats what i think?? :ph34r:
  19. nice looking dog you got there chap,what way bred??
  20. http://www.bellmanandflint.co.uk price is 293 pounds. cheers matulkoh
  21. i still use the mk 1 finder it,s years old but does a job ,where's the best place to buy a bellman -flint,and what sort of price????
  22. nice black uns ,just how i like em,fair play to to ya,i hoped they worked as good as they look,you won't go far wrong with that strain. all the best chap...
  23. [ welcome chap ]what you got??
  24. thanks nikey,iv'e managed it.but could only put certain pics on up to 30kb,most of my phone are more than this and all of the digital camera are more,any idea's mate ??? :ph34r:
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