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Everything posted by dartmoorman

  1. I have a SAKO 75, Schmidt 8 - 56 in .243. And pased my DSC1 with a touching group in the centre of the 4" target. I always use Norma 100grain ammo. I know this will sound silly, but I have found I shoot more consistantly off my bipod than I do off a sand bag. The latter I have only tried once and could not be consistant with my grouping. Being from Devon, we only use £5 notes to check barrell clearance. Good luck.
  2. Gotta be a Schmidt 8 - 56. Great scope, does it for me.......
  3. Fair comment. I catch mine by rod and line. Mainly fly if I can. There aint nothing clever about catching brownies on a worm, or even worse clearing someones stock pond of Rainbows. A child could do it...I know..I used to do it, albeit 35 years ago!
  4. I hope you dont mind me saying, but anyone caught taking Salmon or Sea Trout off the spawning areas, should be hung up by the balls.
  5. Mate of mine snared fish, Salmon, for years. Met him flighting duck last season, had not seen him for years. I asked about his "fishing activities" he told me he never does now due to the fact he got caught once and got a criminal record...Plus a £350 + costs. He has since obtained his firearms licence and would fear getting caught again. Could say goodby to his firearms licence apparently.
  6. It does not affect me down on deepest Dartmoor, but isnt the Chinese Water Buck season Nov 1st - End of February.
  7. Your right fellas. Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975 (England & Wales) Will carry a fine, and, more importantly for us shooters...A criminal record!
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