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About dartmoorman

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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    Shootin, fishin, my dogd, drinkin......Shootin, fishin, drinkin, shagin, shagin, drinkin.....My dogs
  1. Fete De La Chasse Et De La Peche - Chateau De Carrouges Just thought I would share this fantasic Hunting and Fishing Fair in Normandy. It is a three day event in the grounds of the Chateau, great atmosphere. Usualy at the end of July, begining of August, me and the missus went this year and are definately going next year.......Treat yourself, it is fanrastic.
  2. Dear Santa.....Can I please have a rangfinder for Christmas. And in case you have heard a rumour, it was not me with that sheep up on the higher Moor gate!
  3. Look at the Orvis Clearwater 9`6" for a #6 or perhaps #7. Fantastic VFM rod in 4 piece with warranty. Cannot go wrong.
  4. Definately with "FightThebanon this one. S&B 8x56 is a fantastic scope the Hungarian Classik is a little cheaper. Good luck.
  5. Got a 8-56 on my .243 and a 6-42 on my 303....Superb!
  6. Dont know about Ireland or scotland guys, but in England and Wales ANY breach of the Salmon and Feshwater Fisheies Act is criminal. Meaning it carries a criminal record! If you have a SGC or FAC it MAY have an influence, on renewal, if you have a conviction.....Just a thought.
  7. Try http://www.gunnersden.com/index.htm.free-rifle-target.html http://www.mytargets.com/ Spooky you should ask that, I have ,literaly,just printed some of from here: http://www.dmq.org.uk/download.htm
  8. How long is a piece of string. But a Sako 75 or 85, S&B Klassic scope will last you a life time.
  9. Hello mate. Get the NEW BDS two set of DVDs. You save a bit if you buy both, they are very informative. Try and get a copy of "Deer Quest" CD as well.
  10. Not sure what you mean "if you havnt got the confidence to take the shot then the .308 is the right choice" Cant see how the difference in caliber effects confidence. I have got every confidence in my Sako 75 .243, it is superb. Where I put those cross hairs is where the shot places. TOTAL confidence....Just getting a .308 ASWELL cos I am a bit of a rifle tart!....I want both, simple as. Nothing to do with lack of conficence...Belive me.
  11. 243 is the boy for foxes and Roe. Gonna start using a 308 for Fallow and Red, got a Sako 85 in s/s being cut as I type this
  12. spear fishing is illegal you dick! gluebeam. I think coming back at a 13 year old lad with good intentions with the INCORRECT comment "spear fishing is illegal you dick!" is a bloody disgrace on a forum such as this. If this is the only type of comment you can make, then stay away. It is not wanted here.
  13. how will it save you money self taught if free... its not exactly hard I would love to see you cast a fly line! im sure you have Hehe...Nice one 8shot. I probably have!
  14. how will it save you money self taught if free... its not exactly hard I would love to see you cast a fly line!
  15. Great job weejohn, bet the farmer is well chuffed with you. What set up are you using? Taking the missus up to the rugby on saturday all the way from Devon. Got to mind my language though....She is a wee Scot herself
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