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crow wing

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Everything posted by crow wing

  1. Thanks for clearing that up Whin...I was thinking for a minute that there was a strian of ferret that I had not heard of mate..
  2. Hello Pitindall if I had a choice I would have polecats myself...assuming they had all the working attribures that I was looking for as in being relentless hunters..nice size..good temperament..I have looked high and low to try and obtain a family of these.. As a youngster my Dad got me some from a pal he worked in the colliery with...they were real dark ones..deep ginger undercoat..looked almost black in appearance..shaped like a polecat to..very active and lean muscular looking like a greyhound ferret..the present polecats with white or cream undercoat are watered down a bit with alb
  3. Worth her weight in gold mate..I know the type..incidentally..what is a rex ? and also someone referred to I think a bew ? I am not familiar with these abbreviations.. BEW is a black eyed white, not sure about a rex though it was a rabbit :wacko: Thanks mate for that..I have heard of and seen black eyed white ferrets but the abbreviation did'nt occur to me..
  4. who are you hiding behind the name CROW WING? I aint hiding behind any name mate..I dont need to...seeing as no one ever puts there name on here I used crow wing as a name for the forum...crow wings being a family of game cocks that we owned and bred for years.. I think that you have perhaps misread my post..it was directed at those who have acted anonnymously in an insulting manner toward either party in this dispute..if that applies to you and the hat fits then wear it mate..I cannot remember this being so in any of the comments I have made..however..my name is Frank Duffy and I l
  5. Worth her weight in gold mate..I know the type..incidentally..what is a rex ? and also someone referred to I think a bew ? I am not familiar with these abbreviations..
  6. Good stuff Whin I hope that you manage to breed some and salvage the best of the bloodline.. all the best
  7. [TO ALL THE POLICE WHO ARE MONITORING THIS FORUM I WOULD INVITE YOU TO DO YOUR JOB AND INVESTIGATE MY ALLEGATIONS AGAINST NEIL HUNTER FOR PERVERTING THE COURSE OF JUSTICE. THIS IS A LEGAL DUTY UNDER THE POLICE REFORM ACT AND IT MUST BE WITHIN THE PUBLIC INTEREST. I have been asking for a police inquiry for many years and it is well over due. No one should be above the law of the land not even the police or an ex-police man police. WE COULD BE ON THE VERGE OF SOMETHING HISTORIC: JUSTICE DUE TO A FORUM. Derek..with all due respect..it appears to me you are struggling desperate
  8. I have been following this thread with interest..as I am sure have many others..I do not know either Derek Canning or Neil Hunter personally but via friends have heard of both..and I thought not to get involved but..some of the things said by annonymous others have in my opinion been cowardly and less than helpful..thrown fuel on the inferno.. Trying to look at it from both perspectives..on the face of it there are two people who are both obviously very hurt and very angry because of what they allege the other has done to them.. The nature of the allegations initially made by Derek and
  9. nice of you to say that mate

  10. Thanks Stubby..a bit long winded and maybe a bit of a preach to the converted for some..but honest thoughts and opinions nonetheless mate..based on what I have seen and experienced..
  11. Hello Whin I also grew up in a mining village..but in East Durham..I am 54 years old and spent most of my young adult life working on a coal face before the sad decline and loss of the industry...but thats another story..throughout my entire life I have been involved with field sports of one kind or another as have my Grandfather..Dad..uncles..and now my son.. I have owned and hunted with ferrets from being around 10 years old..intermittently until the present..and I agree entirely with what you say re the Greyhound type..at one time in this neck of the woods there were several mining
  12. I remember years ago reading a veterinary report which stated that worms will not necessarily be killed by freezing (this report was re roundworm and tapeworm infestation in dogs via feeding rabbit carcasses)..apparently if my memory serves me correctly..boiling an infected carcass is the only way to ensure that worms are killed.. Having said that...I still feed my ferrets and dogs on raw fresh rabbit from time to time..and other times defrosted from the freezer..I keep my dogs frequently wormed..but I have never wormed a ferret or felt the need to..but I may do so from now on..
  13. Hi guys I have used the deben locator trouble free for years..the old grey mk 1..I was thinking of purchasing a new one (mk 3) for use this coming winter and was wondering how many have tried and tested them..what is the general opinion....thanks
  14. Ive bolted the usual..loads of rabbits..and odd fox and an odd stoat but the most unusual for me was a Shellduck..
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