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Everything posted by Bagpuss

  1. I've been told that making a paste with turmeric and water and then rubbing it on works,your already a funny colour so it wont show!!
  2. I went to the Equestrian complex where they had the show jumping and eventing for the Atlanta Olympics years ago, while I was looking around I noticed the stables being mucked out by men in red overalls and a guard with a shotgun, they were from the local prison. I have always thought prisoners should pay for their time inside not ME !
  3. Watercress Soup is my Mrs fav at the moment,its easy ! 2/3 bags of Watercress from Supermarket 1 medium Potatoe 1 onion 1 carrot 1 stick celery 2/3 cloves of Garlic to taste 2 bay leaves 1 litre of veg/chicken stock Chop and fry off the onion , celery and carrot, with the bay leaves and galic added after 5 mins of frying. Add the peeled and choped potatoe when onion has gone light brown. Add the stock and simmer until the potatoes are done.add the Watercress and wilt in the stock,Dont leave too long as the colour will go. Take off the heat and blend, add salt and paprika to t
  4. Please see my add on e bay: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Land-Rover-109-Series-3-6-cyl-2-6-/120592017936?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item1c13d82a10 any questions PM me or call on 07073 390809 Cheers, Warren
  5. Insy, why not try the Land share idea, either through Hugh's river cottage shceme or just by looking for people with big gardens they can look after properly, try older people, they'll appreciate someone keeping the place tidy and the company too. Warren
  6. Who'd have thought you'd turn into Hugh FW,they sound great but one problem.. ! get us a Roe dear Rob!! W
  7. thanks for the Idea Yogg ! I've been trying all the new Razors inc the wierd King Of Shaves one (rubbish !) and I keep coming back to the Mack3, I am a bit of a Desperate Dan chin so I will give this a try and at that price you cant loose !!
  8. I have loads of little hot chilis on a bush, wondering what to do with them,any recipes or ideas.? Thanks, Bagpuss
  9. I have a 2.6 series 3 landy, Does anyone know what oil to put in the Carb and how much, Thanks, B
  10. Hi, I belive they are big Dogs and good guard dogs,probably too big for most homes.. B
  11. bagpuss......i have been thinking about who you are for some time now! although i find it a little weird that you are pretty much stalking me on this website, you clearly know me and the family very well! but its time you came clean Ali Morris from hemel hempstead......am i right? its gotta be you! your the only person i know that shoots and knows us so well!!!? its gotta be you Ali ? No Its NOT Ali !! I'll give you a clue soon !!
  12. I had the 1.6 petrol Niva,it was terrible and juicy, didn't do much off road as I sold it asap
  13. But!!! is it as good as your Mums Chicken curry which is awesome ?
  14. As i have just writen this out for another member I thought I would post it on here incase anyone needs it. My recipe is fairly basic but works for me. Firstly I pick my Sloes/Damsons ( I prefer Damson gin as its fruitier and sweeter, but Sloe Gins better in a hip flask) and wash them then freeze them to mimic the first frost. Then i get a large clean bottle/container,then i add 1ib ish of sloes or Damsons, 1 standard wine glass full of sugar (white or brown, brown gives a richer taste),then add a cheap (Lidles) bottle of Gin 75cl . Shake every day for two weeks then once a week or when yo
  15. Personaly I prefer Damson gin,its thicker and a bit sweater.I have friends who prefer my slow gin so its all down to taste. I made a batch of slow vodka which was great , try that for a change.. B
  16. I bought one of those knives,and its crap too.I took it to the shop where I bought it and he got out his fancy expensive sharpening kitand spent half an hour on it.Its now sharp enough to cut yourself with if you really try..hard!! Dont buy one its all looks and no substance,get a Buck or winchester B
  17. As a new owner to an old Land Rover which forums do you recomend for advise etc Thanks Baggy
  18. I haven't noticed any , about 3/4 years ago it was the same, not enough to make slow gin.Try damsons I like it better than slows to be honest!!
  19. My favourite shop,why didn't I think of that?
  20. thanks guys,Adrian Flux came up best so far
  21. I am buying an old series 111, landy on Saturday.Can anyone recomend a company for insurance? just w/end and private use. Thanks Bagpuss
  22. I think it was the way the legs were the wrong way round, like two people facing each other trying to carry a load.It was really creepy in a Tim Burton kind of way... Its all wrong!!!
  23. I have a silenced shotgun which according to the makers should be limited to 7.5 28g subsonic carts. I have shot clays with friends and been quite succesful with it , however on a proper sporting set up, I was rubbish, the insructor said I was being held back by the weight of the gun and the slow cartridges. I would like to get another but for some reason favour a SBS even though the instructor said a sporting OU would be better for game and Clays. Is he correct? What do you shoot and Why?
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