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Everything posted by doddsy1970

  1. Are you sure?????? A line can get caught up under ground or twisted around roots or even strangle a ferret. There is only one thing to use and that is a locator.
  2. I dont think you can actually be told how to do it and understand it properly. You need to be shown by someone who knows what they are doing, that way you arent going to prolong any suffering.
  3. Cheers mate but its not my dog, its just a pic off the internet i found........ Ive got a springer
  4. They look in good condition mate but not too sure about having a mesh floor
  5. sorry to cause offence and i didnt say you were full of shite, as far as i understand anemia is an iron deficiancy, yes? so why not just increase the iron in the diet? It is a wasting of the bone marrow that causes the anemia As i understand it the estrogen at high levels kills of red blood cells , the bone marrow becomes incapable of producing red blood cells & thats what delivers oxygen to the vital organs, hense the shorteing of breath in a jill with the condition Without wanting to get into a biology lesson Kay, you a partially right. Yes the bone marrow breaks down
  6. sorry to cause offence and i didnt say you were full of shite, as far as i understand anemia is an iron deficiancy, yes? so why not just increase the iron in the diet? Why do you not get yourself a book and read it!!!!! There are alot of good books out there. If you cant afford to buy one join a library
  7. There seems to be a few people on here that are going round starting up ferreting the wrong way If only they would take notice of the advice given.
  8. sorry to cause offence and i didnt say you were full of shite, as far as i understand anemia is an iron deficiancy, yes? so why not just increase the iron in the diet? It is a wasting of the bone marrow that causes the anemia
  9. Some people on here are full of shite.One Minuit its the rescue centers are full of unwanted kits the next Minuit its if you don't breed from your ferret its going to die of some horrible disease they have read about in some book or looked up on the Internet. Kids cannot afford to get jill jabs,sniped hobs,and don't want to loose their pets. Instead of frightening them with this crap we should be encouraging them not to breed because they won't loose their ferret if they look after it. I have kept ferrets for more years than most of you have been on this planet I know men that have never bre
  10. Nice bag lads.. .That should make the farmer happy
  11. Well done brimmer another good bag.
  12. Would that not be a bit of a gamble? They might not fight so they might not injure themselves. I agree with the hob and jill scenario and as Kay said if you get them as kits this year then you will have time to get the hob snipped by next year.
  13. Im almost certain it was a ferret we do have a feral community around here Well same as a mink either way.. Best not about than about ey. Couldn't agree more
  14. Yes mate because he will just continually try to mate her ending up with her having a very sore and possibly infected neck. To be honest you should split the hob from the jill when he comes into season which will be any time soon because he may start trying to mate with her before she is ready resulting in the same injury.
  15. Im almost certain it was a ferret we do have a feral community around here
  16. My wife was with me when I had the pair and she thought they were cute and could we take them back to put with the ferrets
  17. Found these few pics oon my phone from the autumn I caught 5 mink in the space of 3 days in september along a water course that runs near my pheasant pens. The ferret was caught near my partridge pens, it had already got in and killed 12 partridges and had tripped one of my traps a week previously ( i know that because it had sprayed every where)
  18. To be honest mate i havent ferreted there,just mooched about with the gun.I could belive it though.Great pics.I was having a mooch around highdown if you know it never seen mixy hit so hard. Are you sure they havent gassed it. They did a few years ago and it decimated it
  19. I used to have a mk1 but i decided to bite the bullet and trade it in for a mk3 and to be perfectly honest I'm glad i did, but that wasn't my thought to start with. I found that the mk3 was a bit confusing and awkward to use in the way that you have 2 settings to find the ferret and then you have to pinpoint where the ferret is. The literature that deben put in with the locator looks simple enough but when put into practice becomes a little confusing. But with perseverance i figured it out and now i rate it higher than the mk1, the reasons being 1. You dont have to walk all over a bury trying
  20. Ive only seen half a dozen more since i started this thread
  21. If you are going to wait for kits then you will be looking at working about this time in 2010 by which time you would have probably lost your permission. So your realistic option is to get a couple of adults.
  22. Eh? What should we feed them on if not rabbit then? I was thinking the same thing. I personally think that handling them is the only way to get them to trust you but without gloves on. I can understand why people wear gloves but for me id rather feel the ferrets in my hands. That way you can feel if they are going to kick off so to speak and they can feel you stroking them. To be honest how can you feel a tiny jill if you are wearing welding gloves?
  23. There have been a few weird and old fashioned questions on here lately. Basically the "old fashioned" ways of doing things have died out because they are just that, "old fashioned". Old ferreters used to keep what was known as a liner hob, it was a hob that was kept on its own away from all the other ferrets. The way it worked was that i8f one of the other ferrets killed under ground they would attach a string line to this hob ferret and it would enter the warren and chase the other ferret off. The ferreter would then dig along the line until they found the kill. The downside is that the ferre
  24. glad to hear you got your ferret back
  25. Make sure you have warm clothing on. Make sure you have waterproofs with you. Make sure you take food and a warm drink. Make sure your ferrets have a drink during the day. Make sure someone knows where you are. Make sure you pick up all your nets at the end of the day. Make sure you leave everything tidy. Make sure your ferrets and dogs get sorted out before you do when you get home. Finally Make sure you enjoy yourself
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