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Everything posted by nicksdogs

  1. what u have 2 feed them? what u have 2 keep them in?
  2. really good idea mark but i would say stafford showground as it has a realy nice venue
  3. roe deer, hare,rabbit,rabbit, fox, once 2 ducks in a pond and a elphant lol
  4. i agree what lurcherrchavyy said its just a bit of blood bordie collies get blood on em when there rounding up sheep sometimes itsjust blood for f***s sake.
  5. hi im new to this and i was wondering as i wont a couple of dogs to do rats and foxes what dog would i need ty nick
  6. i was out yesterday with my bordie collie for a walk up in the bro near our house. we were nearly home and it bolted i shined my torch to see what it bolted after it was a fox they were running side by side and flash the bordie collie was jout to grab it round the kneck but it bolted into a hedge and couldnt and he missed it. ive never heard of hunting bordie collies.
  7. i wud find a farm and ask to do some ratting as there often quiet a lot there. gud luk
  8. im very intrested but im 13 very nice car mate
  9. thankyou very much for your comments and the idea was thjat i was going to get a couple of dogs to do the job
  10. hi i am new to lurchers and catching rabbits with them what would be the best dog or cross for the job thanks
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