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J Darcy

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Everything posted by J Darcy

  1. Random samples.........obviously minus the pasty! Lots of piccys!
  2. Hi guys, the book will be here on tuesday, so they are on pre-order now. they are now live on my website www.darcybooks.com Thanks for anyone who has shown interest. it really has taken me a long time to produce! Happy Lamping folks.
  3. It's going to be in the post tuesday, for anyone who's interested. Available to buy from now onwards. www.darcybooks.com
  4. Fuji really needs to feed that worm-ridden mongrel of his. This is what happens when it spies a Cornish Pasty! Word of warning: Never try to hand feed it sausages. I made that mistake....... :icon_eek:
  5. The Charlatans album, Some Friendly, was superb back in the day.... Sproston Green was some track! Oh..what about The Wendys!! some good ones there....
  6. Ha ha , yes, I struggled with the camera, but I've maybe got one average piccy.....of our ratting and rabbiting trip. Mindst you, it was good to see a proper red phone box. They're bloody rare these days. I'm getting old...I'm still bloody knackered! Obviously no stamina ! When I was in my twenties I was bang at the game and a two day spell back to back wasn't a problem. But nowadays I feel tired, my knees hurt and I am still in shock at the price of those sausage sarnies. £4 and they were microwaved! Robbing b~$stards! :icon_eek:
  7. The Happy Monday...I remember when I first heard 24 hr party people.... Northside, yes, they were good. Charlatans were awesome. I used to also like The Durutti Column......
  8. Heaton Park was awesome!
  9. Try and rehome her with someone you know, at least you know that she won't be passed from pillar to post. Watch out for con men who just want her to sell on and make a profit out of. Try get her a genuine home....
  10. I meant how did the dogs get recovered, and where from?
  11. Fat Fuji can't get out of bed on a morning!!
  12. Fuji, 'Bout time to started Rosette hunting, it's alot easier! That's about all that fat ugly lump of canine bad-breeding is worth! Rumour has it that you were on an all-inclusive cruise and the staff were bringing around food and drink, as much as you wanted. Were there any old tramps sleeping on the floor?
  13. Good on em! Marshman, get me an address and I'l post them lads a free book each.....
  14. What people need to remember is; Lions are now kept as a 'crop', just like sheep, goats, cows, chickens. They're bred to be killed. It is NOT hunting at all, but the Lion is ridiculously easy to breed in captivity and they are being 'farmed' and killed in this way for money.Just like the farmer sends his cows to slaughter, or home kills a pig and sells the bacon. There's always two sides to every story....
  15. In cases like this I wonder; how can someone on benefits afford to eat so much that they get obese?
  16. Yes, there has been an interim amendment, and they will be officially put on the STAO when it is updated shortly.
  17. Above everything; respect the wind. After that; walk little, look lots.
  18. Boots ain't interested in covering a bitch Dai,all he's bothered about is eating and killing lol,so it's extremely unlikely there will ever be any of his offspring galloping across the land I think Boots might be like his owner! A raving whoopsie! Don't think that black and tan bum-hound is going near my Sparky!
  19. I think your mixed up some on here don't take the CA seriously when it comes to lurchers atb AT No AT. I think it is you that is mixed up. Believe me, we need the CA more than they need us. And, besides,the reason we can hunt with lurcher still is down to the CA. They have done more for lurcherwork than any other organisation, by simply giving us a clause to work our dogs. Without them we would not have been able to work lurchers at all. So the next time the CA is getting condemmed, that's worth remembering. And while some blame the CA for 'allowing' the Ban to go throug
  20. When you read this thread.....you can't blame the CA for not taking us seriously. :blink: Peoples front of Judea
  21. I wonder what these people think to canines catching deer, and do they think canines can do as good a job as a bullet gun?
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