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J Darcy

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Everything posted by J Darcy

  1. A new challenge maybe?..... Proper hard to get pics of......but I fancy trying..... No woodock were hurt in the making of these photos....
  2. I would very much doubt that the animal is a Pine marten. I would set two catch alive cage traps. One baited with sardines, the other with a fresh rabbit leg. You'll soon know what it is........ The animal might just be entering through a grate on ground level and climbing up the gap in the walls.
  3. J Darcy


    Youll get foul catches using that matey......
  4. It puts many of our own 'problems' into perspective. Hope everyone there has as good a Christmas as possible....
  5. A blast from the past here guys...... Did anyone have a nite owl?
  6. To be fair, this section is fine. All we need is more posts. Why doesn't someone start a new thread on their favourite trapping location or something similar?
  7. I have used them. All I can say is Don't waste your money!!
  8. I think people have the wrong ideas about these collars. They are for the recuperation of dogs, not to improve performance. I have seen a very arthritic dog make real improvements when wearing a collar like this. If your dog is very stiff, or has joint trouble then it might be worth trying one....All the best, JD
  9. Give it a rest buddy.....Life's too short. And, besides, let try keep this little trapping section hassle free....
  10. Are there many advantages to gaining these qualifications?
  11. Email JohnB at 14 acre...I bet he'd have a go at beating their prices. Can't hurt to ask...
  12. She looks like that hat rack of yours i will send pair of you some wormers for You could do with some tapeworms yourself, might get rid of that belly then. Live the dream!
  13. Needs a good wormer! But seriously, all jokes aside, she's one of the best bitches I've ever seen. I've seen her run alot and she's a single-minded determined mutha! i've seen her catch plenty over the years.... :victory:
  14. I can't remember the last time I used a spade.......
  15. I did a hell of alot of lamping with those square lamps....they must have been about 50,000 cp at the best! A fiver i think they were but to a boy who had no money, a fiver was alot of money! I tried several car spotlights but none were as good as the old Lucas....
  16. The best as a boy was an old Lucas headlight. I did some miles and caught some tackle with that. I have no idea where it went to, wish I still had it.
  17. And being old and fat! :D
  18. Make sure you vet any future homes.....he looks too nice of a dog to have some cruel peddling type get it.....hope things improve and good luck. :victory:
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