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J Darcy

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Everything posted by J Darcy

  1. I've done this loads of times, and several times on film too. I was once in a garden where the homeowner had been trying for a long time to get rid of this mole. He'd been using those huge monstrosities that stick out of the ground a foot. Anyway, I put a trap in, just covered it with soil and ...PING!. I pulled out a live mole. My next venture is to try and capture a coloured mole alive, and I know just the spot for it....
  2. Some northern kids can relate to this,whenever we used to ask our man what was for dinner (lunch) or tea (dinner) she always came back with the not very original answer "Shit with sugar on". The full answer is "Shit wi sugar on and jam 'round t' edges"
  3. The way they'll do it is by adding prison sentences and confiscating dogs.
  4. My all-time favourite pic is a choice of two, one being a hare running in a blizzard, the other being a great crested newt. However, I do quite like this one.....
  5. are red deer not good swimmers if you say a streams/shallow rivers will most likely make the beast stop and face the dogs. i know that fallow deer are great swimmers and can out swim dogs ive seen herds of fallow deer cross rivers all times of the year with ease with a dog giving chase preban. It's nothing to do with swimming mate, It's to do with their instinct at evading canines, IMO.
  6. that chuk name rings a bell, was the breeding of that dog something to do with Keith Simpson Choc and Rocco his dogs were called.
  7. Greeny tinge.....took this back in 2010.
  8. There's red deer....and there's red deer.....
  9. It's not just rabbits, it's hares too.I think that the steep decline is due to a couple of things. I think that the amount of sheep on the land doesn't help, also the amount of slurry being spread. The climate isn't doing them any favours obviously. I also think that the amount of bullet rifles/lamp around is destroying hares in unprecidented numbers.Rabbits can sometimes return after being almost wiped out, but hares never do. It's a sad state of affairs and I honestly think that in twenty years time there won't be any rabbits or hares about, just deer and foxes. I truely hope I'm wrong. Th
  10. Paulus, whats with the pics of molehills mixed in with those blurred hare images??? :tongue2:
  11. It's not common to see two hares this close. And it's even rarer to photograph it....
  12. What I love about that photo is the lines on her coat where she's been flying through the heather. Good detail. Plus the look in her eye. I taught him eveything he knows Neil...and he still knows sweet F All!!! :D
  13. Hi Neal. With Scout's pad it will be scar tissue hardening probably that is causing her pain as she walks. If I were you I'd buy a jar of coconut oil and massage it into the pad that is affected. I would do this three times a day , then cut it down to once a day after a week and see how she goes. You might just be surprised.
  14. IMO the colouration is nothing to do with how mild or severe a winter is. the blue hare has many shades of pelage, this is to spilt the odds of them being able to hide from predators no matter what the conditions. If it snows then the browner ones are more at risk, if it doesn't snow then the whiter ones are more at risk. it's Mother nature edging her bets IMO..... They won't be moulting for a long while yet....
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