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Everything posted by runem

  1. Not sure of the exact year but i remember the cup was,nt run due to a shortage of hares.....Well it was blamed on poachers one in particular,,,,,i know he used to haunt the area the keepers and police both had him in their radars,Has anyone else heard this tale,i known the gents name just wondered if anyone else heard the same tale..???
  2. BLAZING SADDLES,not much funnier,and they cant make them like that any more,thats for sure.
  3. Thats interesting ,if country is war torn and ravaged and is so bad you have to leave your native land,why would you leave your wife and kids behind ?? Every time you see hoards of refugees fleeing their countries its always men,occasionally the odd woman and child is seen,but 99% are men. I know for a fact,if things got that bad i wouldnt say "ive had enough of this i,m off,take care bye"..............you take them with you...............................................ON SECOND THOUGHTS MAYBE NOT.............!!!!!!!!!
  4. Seen cats in various areas waiting outside rabbit holes in the summer for the young to come out,watched one once and it did catch a rabbit.
  5. Give her something to moan at,tell her this is who you go shooting with.
  6. 128 people murdered in France,isis has just claimed responsibility,this is being called a marauding attack,Did anyone know the authorities in London earlier this year trained and had an enactment in our streets of an marauding attack. It looks like its just a matter of time before its our turn. the worst thing for me is tonight an area about 1.5 miles from me is an asian area and they will be celebrating the attacks and murders with fireworks.
  7. Mpgs abit shit but shouldn't struggle pulling a caravan. Shouldnt struggle pulling a caravan,how long you planning on going rabbiting for .....??
  8. Sounds like good news for gamekeepers ect,now that a precedent has been made it should be easier for future buzzard control licences to be granted. In recent years i have seen what appears to be a large buzzard increase,they have moved into towns and i see them on nesting old mills and their chimneys.
  9. which charities ...? The first charity is the lurcher link. Next Charity will be decided by the members at AGM. Some folk have asked to donate rather than join , we are grateful for any help big or small. Joining gives you a voice within the club and the intitlment to vote on any club matters. Excellent choice,and best of look with the club.
  10. What a coincidence thats what my friend deaf Paul had a black cab as a dog bus and he also picked people up on the way home at night,they just jumped in front and waved him down. he didnt have a monkey,but once at his house he was very sheepish and sort of asked us to cut our visit short...very strange,anyway home comes his latest conquest,,,a very large 20 plus stone,black woman some 25 years older than himself. strolls in with a thousand yard stare that would make you piss yourself,,she left him after a few days because the foxes in the back bedroom kept barking at night and she couldnt s
  11. Deaf Paul,what a character,,,kept foxes in spare bedroom,soil on the floor wardrobe tipped over they lived in it,on chewed a hole in the floorboards then front room ceiling,asked me if i could help catch it in the bedroom,you,ve seen nothing like it angry fox running around biting everything in sight,lad never batted an eye. Whilst out lamping and he did,nt have any permission at all,he found a dead body at the side of a wood,he told the police,he got asked all sorts of questions,,,,well it must have put him of because about three years later he found another,this time someone else reported
  12. Phil Smalley i think he is a good mate of Ronnie Pickering.....
  13. Just go back to the job tomorrow ,give it half an hour then POWER OFF TIME,and i would keep doing it all day,now that would be funny.i would be in tears the more he raved.
  14. Hid lamps really are bright and white,they make the led and halogen lamps look like their batteries are about to go, however they dont reflect the rabbits eyes the same and you loose the ruby red give away reflection. You end up trying to spot silvery coloured rabbits in rough grass its hard work,so for that reason i have reverted back to halogen,
  15. LCBI.......what about something more user friendly LAGBI ,lurcher association of Great Britain and Ireland,,,a slight deviation from the old wagbi to those who remember,,,just a thought....
  16. edited to add, a bit rich that, given all the links you have put up on here to your site and FB page.......... No malice was intended, the web page designer ( if thats the correct word ) is not a member on here, So I am asking formally would You like, or Ian b like a link to the awl page? maybe the correct thing to do, would have been to contact this sites owner prior to posting links to your own sites or any others If both clubs are working in the interest of lurchers why should there be a problem......or this one if them "us and them" type things? wow my heads mashed with all chatter,
  17. Name me one thing that joining this new/revamped lurcher association will directly benefit myself...?It's an association to better our chosen sport and way of life. Why does it need to directly benefit you? That's a bit of a selfish outlook isn't it? An association to better my chosen sport,well lets say lamping how will it improve that for me.If i am paying yearly subscriptions i wouldnt mind seeing something for my money,and i dont mean a mug or t shirt. Why is it selfish to not see any benefit directly to myself,,why join if no benefit. Millions pay an annual subscription to cha
  18. Name me one thing that joining this new/revamped lurcher association will directly benefit myself...? It's an association to better our chosen sport and way of life. Why does it need to directly benefit you? That's a bit of a selfish outlook isn't it? An association to better my chosen sport,well lets say lamping how will it improve that for me. If i am paying yearly subscriptions i wouldnt mind seeing something for my money,and i dont mean a mug or t shirt. Why is it selfish to not see any benefit directly to myself,,why join if no benefit.
  19. Name me one thing that joining this new/revamped lurcher association will directly benefit myself...?
  20. nearly a full moon last night,,guessing you shone with red filter saw rabbits ,,turned lamp off,pulled filter of turned white beam on,,,to late rabbits seen you in these conditions and off they go..
  21. Absolute classic,,,i think his t shirt design had a premonition of things to come.
  22. Years ago i went lamping with an expert lamper and brilliant lamping dogs.He talked the talk all right, right till the moment he turned the lamp on,He shone it everywhere tops off walls,the clouds erratic over the field,finally he says "look loads of them"and his dog is slipped ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,well i didnt take kindly to him slipping on a flock of sheep,,,,anyway with a sheep in the bag it was time to call it a very short night. On the way home he pissed me of just a bit to much,the van was stopped and i threw him out in the middle of the dales at 2am in the morning on a windy rainy night,,
  23. dont choose that you will just make ,THINGS WORSE FOR YOURSELF. ,
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