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Everything posted by johnmac666

  1. have had this happen to me other week, resulted in me being reduced to a blubbering wreck what a i felt
  2. Best stuff on the market, We are endorsed by it and I honestly wouldn't use anything else. cheers pal , got plenty of kilo tubs should last me till im dead, is there a shelf life ? i didnt think of checking the tubs , will do that, anyway cheers for reply regards john
  3. does anyone use virkon to clean ferret hutches out ,will it be safe ? , my mate has got some spare, which he uses for his avaries ( for harris hawk)any info appreciated, regards john
  4. excellent pics Pat,shame the place was flooded , 6 in this weather & conditions , job well done take my hat off to you , i cancelled this mornings ferreting trip due to similar conditions on my permission,my ferrets would have probably refused to work lol,lets hope it drains quick so we can get back to normal, regards & happy hunting John
  5. confused.com follow kays advice then you will know, if you get him & dont use him to serve your jills & pay for all your jills to be jabbed , what is the point in getting the hob in the first place ? regards john
  6. shame your thinking of giving up, hopefully you should get a decent price ,you are looking at £135 approx for terrier finder ( one on e bay with 2 collars similar price ) & about £1 each for the nets, depending on what weight, size & material,battery tester & batteriees not sure pn price hope you change your mind & carry on ferreting ,fishing is for summer, ferreting winter regards & a.t.b.john
  7. hope you have a good day charlie, hoping to get out myself, lets hope the rain stops, let us know how you get on, did you ever sell that gun ?? someone got a bargain, at the price you was asking, i digress a.t.b regards john
  8. just got 1 off fleabay 3.99 cheers for info stubby got to be worth buying at leat you know when batteries are on their way out, regards john
  9. well said!!!!! thick brits with there hunting ban hahahahhahhahahahhahahahahahaha yes but not for much longer a repeal is on the way, its the future, like garlic bread & i have seen the future its so bright i need shades The Future
  10. nice 1 good result for the young un again how old are your ferrets john ?? nice looking dog as well regards john
  11. my hob has been doing this also , i think you have answered your own question, he is too hot thats why he is kicking bedding out, tough little fekers they are,i just do 4 hour checks on them throughout the day & last thing at night (11pmish) change water bottles check they are warm & snug ,mine has kicked all paper out & made a cracking little nest with two towels & a sleeve off a wooly jumper, he just cliimbs in the sleeve pulls the towel over the nest opening & goes to sleep, my jill has been in seperate box since last night as he is giving her a hard time again ( he is
  12. i have still got a rabbit which i took out of hutches 3 days ago frozen in the shed ,have been giving them small amounts of meat at night & warm water & dried in a morning, they seem to be coping quite well with the cold spells,i gave them extra bedding & they kicked it back out of the sleeping box, ,every time i clean crap corner out its been frozen which is an easy job to clean, i use a plasterers trowel to scoop the poop, even my cleaning cloths have froze like a block, i have thermometer in hutches & was showing -9 last night,but they are nice n snug in there nest box, the
  13. good result for first time & nice little team you got, the russell you got looks familiar, is it 1 of mick ogdens ? looks like your BOLTING FLASKS like me, , keep up the good work, regards john
  14. my mate has one of these , he got it from this site last year on sale ,have a look ,hope this helps, regards john bleepr
  15. good result & food for the ferrets & its good to get out i worked my ferrets without the collars & have worked them with & the time i didnt my hob was missing for 2 hrs,if i had had a collar on i would have probably had more bunnies, when i worked my ferrets with collars if they get 1 backed up & cannot turn it there is the option of getting a pinpoint & digging to the bunny & ferret its peace of mind knowing you know where they are/all most of the time, my mates still work their ferrets without collars & we are always waiting longer for his to surface when
  16. instead of giving them cold water give them warm water, wrap the bottle in bubble wrap & a sock or you can try putting a tiny amount of glycerine ( i havnt tried this as mine are staying unfrozen with bubble wrap around the bottle & a sock ) but no of others who use it & supposed to work, regards john
  17. at least you got out mate & the young one is smiling, nice looking polecat & dog , i am taking a liking to the polecat coluring & would love a dog to mark, it was cold yesterday i went out for an hour myself & bolted 1 as soon as my hands hit the snow i decide it was home to time , i take my hat off to you having a bad back as well as it being freezing must be a real pain in the azz & frustrating hope everything sorts itself out & you get out more regards & tc .john
  18. you did forget to mention these are for bazookas 70cm long its bigger than my barrel seen a couple on flea bay , but these are 7cm lol
  19. yeah i have heard of snd ( sleep not dead ), but never actually seen them so deep in sleep, this time yesterday i was a 44 years old blubbering mess (pmsl) cue the jokes & puns,been sat with them all morning treating them like babies, lol playing in snow, full of life little fekers, regards john
  20. went to feed ferrets earlier & when i got there my hob was hanging out of the nest box curled up with just his head & tail out, my jill was in the compartment below curled up in the corner,which seemed strange as they usually sleep together, so i picked her up & she didnt budge, i put her back in the corner & picked him up he didnt budge either ( by this time my heart is racing & im feeling that silly emotion & fearing the worst )i banged the cage jingle my keys & wistsled, still no reponse , opened shed door & slammed it & they still didnt move, thats when
  21. nice result, could have smiled for the camera lol,but if your constipated its allowed i can predict you having a hangover tommorrow he he Red Wine makes me suffer the day after, regards john
  22. my jill was in season about 2 week ago she just started to get back to normal now & i worked her 2 days ago, she isnt getting harrased off my hob anymore , but i have only just put them back together, it must be something in the air as i know of a few more people off other forums who have had their jills in season in november & when i was out the other day it looks like the rabbits are breeding there was tufts of hair all over the place, atb regards john
  23. nice looking ferrets , i am taking a liking to the polecat markings, nice little set up as well, does the piping sway up & down when the ferrets run through ? mine have got similar piping & its funny watching them run through the pipe as it changes levels steeply , it gets them fit for running up to a stop end & turning rabbits or keeping them there regards & Happy New Year john
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