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Everything posted by dogs-n-natives

  1. JD, is that mole like a silvery/blue type colour? I had one of those too I reckon they are more rare than albino, had a fair few albino's aswell.... cant quite make out the colour on your pic. Heres the silver... an albino
  2. It was my main income for 3 years, I thought pay was very good, and I charged a fiver a mole ffs on farm jobs (caught lots of moles!) Most of these 'pro' mole trappers on here charge a hell of a lot more than I did but they all moan like f**k...I still do a bit now, but Im loving the forest work too much lol
  3. Nice work foxpack, and a good read, cheers
  4. Its been a couple of weeks, hows the wee man shaping up?
  5. Aye it will be a fantastic day mate... I hope I dont look too rough, straight off the hill lol are cammo trousers ok? Well, if this hunting venue is as good as I hope it might be, we are aiming to get back there early next season (November), as we will have valid hunting licenses for 12 months. Would be good to have you along.
  6. Aye thats right UG... hows tricks mate? You getting excited for your big day? Im looking forward to it!
  7. Cheers folks Hey Joe, could you drop me a message at some point to let me know whos in your vehicle, edrd is coming for sure.
  8. Cheers Roy Also, just a reminder, so that you can plan your dogs worming program... I am going to book ALL dogs into the local vets, close to the venue, for their wormers and passport stamps. Probably after the first days hunting. (7th Jan).
  9. Did everyone get their european health cover card, the one that GDWaz mentioned earlier in the thread. Ebola. I got mine ages ago, only takes 5 mins to order and its free!
  10. Got Ideation's through, it was in Spam lol And did anyone hear from John? He has a day or two to send ID if he still wants in this seasons trip. hurry up earthdogetc
  11. Im expecting to leave on the 5th (Monday), and be back on Sunday 10th. But if people need to work Monday 5th, we could leave in the PM, and should be fine. Mushroom, Ive got yours. Cheers Johnyboy and earthdogrunningdog: not recieved
  12. Cant take any extras at this stage, sorry mate... il pm you my email
  13. Okie dokie, back to civilization! If anyone still needs to send copies of ID, do it now lol, like now!... lol Mushroom, if you can sort your own aragon hunting permit, brilliant.. or I could do it along with everyone elses if you want, just send me a current ID copy. as I really hate to be a pain int arse... but I only have a week off until end of October, (its not really a week off either, as im moving house, among other things), but my life gets really busy after that. All the best
  14. Hope its all worth it for you, yeah you can see he looks a solid dog, great bone. Keep us posted.
  15. Yes the Jan dates I posted to you should still be ok. Im away now, so good luck everyone! See ya when Im back in civilisation Take care
  16. Growing well MIK, hows he shaping up? I remember the first day I got my pup home she was pointing/stalking hoodies on the beach, was amazing to see the instinct to point straight away. Kyboy, I use mine more for the deer, fox and boar, more than bird hunting, but she is a good pointer, great retrieve. I can echo tiercels comments to a T, as I also started with spaniels, and I am also just so glad I made the decision to get into pointers when I did. Im planning on putting a good bull/deerhound over mine, for my next generation of big game hunters. But fingers crossed in the future I would
  17. Great stuff, yeah we will get sorted with travel arrangements, I am going to rent a vehicle for sure. I wont be online for a bit mate, but if you get the ID to me we can finalize the insurance and permits late October. good hunting
  18. Cheers mate, Greer returns the love to you both ! Joe, yeah I remember now, doh sorry, well we have plenty time to consider teams and tactics anyway... greer also sends her regards Joe! ok lads, I have to go. Try and get in touch with Col, edrd, and Jon and get them to send their id's to me. All the best DnN
  19. I can make Sunday the 23rd November! Will that do?
  20. haha never doubted for a minute Jai! But really glad this has had a shake up. Joe, I was thinking my spare collar should go on one of the beaters dogs, as I will be on the beating team with the tracker unit. I will send a pm to you Looks like we are sorted for radios then, that will be a huge bonus.
  21. What size are your dogs mate, I might be able to help.
  22. I reckon we should be able to get results with this smaller team. As long as the estate is ok with it. Well, mine are all trained to track deer so they could be a pain in arse,lol unless I leash them until the others jump some pigs and then turn them into the chase, they hark in very strongly to any dog opening up. keep us posted with the radio situation, a couple for each team would do it.
  23. Can your dogs still hunt boar and fox Tyla? Dogs broken to deer would be perfect on this land as the estate manage a very nice roe population and want them preserved.
  24. I think we will get by if Jai can make it, but there will be a few gaps here and there. The landowner knows this land very well, and Im sure he will get a plan together. I will let you all know when I hear back from him. Anyone bringing radios? I will have a spare garmin collar for a bushing dog
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