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Everything posted by dogs-n-natives

  1. My bad mole trapper, sorry... thought you were saying that you often used it just read it wrong... I hate poisons lol and yes Matt I would prefer to litter the place with very well-set traps, and do what I could with their 'home base', Ive had big rat jobs and eventually you little them away, by a range of methods, but I didn't charge the earth for my time as I often found it was also my main hobby. Too much time on my hands perhaps. Sorry for the ill-thought out post earlier, I just hate to see traditional methods loosing out to poisons and gas etc pet hate thats all. Good trapping
  2. Yeah fingers crossed all goes well. Hot springs... cold beers... can't be bad!
  3. Bayed up on goat crag... he knocked a few dogs off the cliff that day! We never shot him he was the best billy on our hill.
  4. Across the whole range there are plenty, but locally some bigger culls going on with various agencies and landowners.I don't shoot many these days I think there gene pool is small enough. i can go out locally over one hill and see about 40.
  5. Good work Jig, Ive not been on the goats for a while.. lost my goat dog this year. But he was never a good throat dog, would always take the billy from the mob though. The bitch I had always attached herself to the throat of any wounded or shot game, even as a youngster at 7 month.
  6. Theres nothing ever totally safe with poisons though, and any animal that comes across it is at risk. Mole trapper by name, mole poisoner by nature... shame on you lol mass poisoning usually goes against the grain of any traditional mole trappers Ive spoken to. Is it as you say, just to save yourself time and money?
  7. I could live alone, but I could not live in a town or city. Country only for me, the more remote the better
  8. We started a 'club' to get a better deal with insurance! The vest is a wee bit small but not restrictive to her movement, its mainly the top of her back that looses coverage, so should be fine fingers crossed! Really appreciate the loan of it! How was Iceland? seen a pic or two, looked amazing! See much wildlife out there?
  9. Has everyone (except shroom) received their club membership in the post?
  10. Hey Jai, that roast dinner set me right, what a treat mate! Im out mooching this afternoon, but back to graft tomorrow! Was a fun trip south, thanks to all who put up with us! lol
  11. Managed to get everything sorted in time mate! We should all be licensed/insured and ready to go by Monday. I will do what I can to keep everyone onboard.
  12. This weekend deadline for all payments/ID's. My hands are tied with this, we have no more time. I really hope everyone is onboard, the team looks great. Again, good luck
  13. Last week it became apparent that for the Hunting License, we need copies of passports, and UK drivers licenses are not accepted. It was only myself and two others who needed to get copies of passports, but I have failed to get passports from the other two despite trying, also payment from both of them is missing. I will give this weekend to get the stuff to me, but on Monday will be obtaining all Licenses.... your either in or out. Good luck
  14. They will hit cover hard at times. But they wont be hammering it like a spaniel all day. I reckon pretty much any working gundog crossed with a working terrier or hound will give good hunting dogs for cover.
  15. I'll have to upload some more recent pics of the pointer, only got stuff from last season. This is her pointing snipe. I will also ask the owner of the dog, if I can post a picture of him on here
  16. Ok, everyone now has 12 months insurance through the club membership with SACS, even you mushroom. It covers all of you just like normal SACS members insurance for all your normal hunting activities in the UK, but also for the trips hunting abroad (with the 'club' only). All in all, a very good service for the money. You will all receive info through the post, except you mushroom, your letter is heading to your country cottage in the borders.
  17. She is looking like a fine bushing hound now Willow!
  18. gundogs were bred for very similar roles to what is needed, I have read a hell of a lot about GWP and I think they have a lot to add to everything from lurchers to bushing dogs. I still think a lab would add to a good lamping dog. Definitely... Ive never been a huge fan of Labs, but they do cross very well, they are hardy dogs too, that pass on a good thick jacket. Keen dogs.
  19. I agree with you, makes sense. I saw a few hungarian pointer cross Jagd's working boar in Hungary. Yes I was paid also when I went beating there, met some nice old fellers that went all season. Though, on the protective side... my wirehair seems a natural guard dog, well, she barks at everything if were at home lol and she will protect. I sent her to Canada with the Mrs, who was working up north British Columbia for a summer, in grizzly territory. To protect her from bears and moose. She saw bears straight away, and it went just as planned, she would drive them away hard, baying all the wh
  20. I will sort you a few pictures tonight. Yes an extremely versatile breed.
  21. What drew you to the Kelpie Neal, rather than a native pastoral type? Just wondering. I like them too, I also really like the Ozzy cattle dogs.
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