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Everything posted by dogs-n-natives

  1. had a few sets now, cheap ones from mail order, just got the fittings left now, got b and f ones cheap, very good, should last a lifetime, got s s collars, so gonna link old fittings up, if i was going for something that will last for ever then s s by far. Aye, bellman and flint are good quality and well priced.
  2. I've got a few of these traps, only use them here and there, and thats the way I use them. With the trigger plate sitting on the soil.
  3. I have a couple of black fell terriers/patterdales (whatever), but i've seen good working borders, lakelands, russels and cross breds. All of them were trusted digging dogs. If I'd started with say, borders, from good lines, and they worked well, then I would have stuck with them. Just happened to start with black'uns, so as im happy with them, im sticking with them!
  4. OMG :sick: Wey then K.T.R....... I think they sound safe enough! But I would make sure that no-one has been poisoning or gassing in the area just in case!
  5. I know the sort, cant F ING stand them! Best of luck with that.
  6. Sounds like youve got your chicken meat situation well under control there. Good on ya!!
  7. I much prefer walking, but when I was keepering I had masses of ground to cover, and the only way to cover most of it would be in a good off roader. The noise of the vehicle dosent disturb most foxes and other wildlife, unless they have been previously scared by one. (Mainly shooting them with big rifle). It can actually help sometimes, as young'uns arent affraid of comming right up to them. I killed tonnes of foxes then though. It would have been a total waste of time going on foot, when theres over 9 thousand acres to look after. I still hunt the same land,(resigned from job) but now by fo
  8. ....................WRONG!! Apparently they taste like absloute crap!! :sick: Wouldnt knock ya from trying though! How about you catch a few... then try a few different recipies, and post the results
  9. Surely you can get a quad bike there! , as you can hire all of the ploughing and drilling gear for the back of a quad bike now!! 'Kings' do a good range of seeds, also look up BASC, and Game Conservancy. Things like mustard and rape can be hand broadcast, but it never creates a good crop- (in my experience)!
  10. Hi, Im from Tynedale, and I know that most found ferrets end up at a farm just outside Ponteland. Noy sure if thats what the number is for on your first post.. but if its not its definately worth a try. Its RSPCA, and its in the phone book. If you cant find it, PM me. Hope you find it.
  11. Ive had many bad ferrets turn good
  12. My grandad said, if a bugger bites, BITE IT BACK!!!! If it carries on..........shoot it! Id say give it loads of gentle attention, and stroke it while it eats or drinks something, that will get it used to you, ........but if it carries on, THEN SHOOT IT!!!! OJ
  13. Concentrate on looking for Stag stalking, as you can come Roe Buck stalking with me soon! I've got some good contacts for hill stalking, from when I was working up Strathfarrah. But not to sure about the prices. PM me!
  14. Just make sure your dogs can jump fences well, and are 100% steady with livestock. They do the rest!
  15. I'll be sure to give that a try!! Are Sasso's a comercial meat breed?
  16. My advise would be to tackle from multiple angles; get word out to the farmers, write to them, ring them, spread the word at your local gun shop that you are looking and willing to pay, make sure every keeper and shot in the area knows so that wordgets out. There are no real sites dedicated to this, but it might be worth speaking to your local rep from NOBS, BASC etc Also take a look at the web sites of some ofthe rural land agents or estate agents in your area. Do a Google search for "sporting or shooting rights" in your eare, Idid and it came up with a local firm I'd never heard of when I w
  17. Hello all! Me and a few friends are wanting to start up a syndicate and run a rough shoot. In Northumberland. Ideally with some small woodland/plantation areas, plenty of cover(reshes/gorse) and possibly river or pond aswell. The ONLY problem is finding the right land that suits our needs, we have looked at three places and all were far from ideal. One was far to expensive, one was barren hill ground and the other was low ground, but similarly lacking in cover and wildlife. Are there specific websites or organisations or magazines that we should be looking at look at to help us find
  18. HUGH FEARNLEY-WHITINGSTALL TRYED THE SAME OVER A FEW YEARS ,GET THE BOOK, THE RIVER COTTAGE MEAT BOOK , MASSIVE READ OVER 500 PAGES ABOUT £25 Sounds good! The game birds I have are indian and old english (L/F)The layers are leghorns and blackrocks. I also keep australorp, pekin and modern game bantams which I breed pure and sell. Also buff orpington(l/f). Im aware that theres breeds that do both jobs, but when I can create something so tasty from what I've got, it saves buying in new stock.
  19. Its funny this subject is on as Ive got a patterdale/cocker cross, bred her myself for fox and rabbit shooting/drives/picking up etc... shes been mounting all of my dogs since she was a pup, shes only 10 months old now! But shes nice natured and im sure she isnt trying to dominate them. I actually reckon she gets a kick out of it She will even get on top of the lurcher's back when he's lying down, grip on and give it some! The lurcher will stand up with her still attached! Cant get my head round it either. Well ive been trying to stop her recently as shes been tagging along, starting a bi
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