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Everything posted by bird

  1. Thanks. That's great offer, but being honest I prefer male dogs. They suite my personality better. But thanks again, because a 5year old type lurcher, something from ex worker be the road I go down. But hopefully my july-august when moved and settled down bit I look then. Ray
  2. Thanks stiff your good bloke deff, you miss your army days, you left now that right.whatbyou doing.in civy .pm if you want.?
  3. Well stiff, he was big lad as you know. But sadly at the end mate, he wasn't much heavier than what old Bryn was, this fookin cancer in both people and animals a terrible disease stiff, it took my old man he went the same. But as said stiff, once moved back to South staffs in the property want.trying to push for say 27th March, because as you know at 31st March stamp duty goes up extra £3, 500 quid.both me an my buyer trying get it done before 31st.once I have moved ans say by about July, I look for a ex worker male lurcher about 5years old good coat. Say about 25in, just a pet ,
  4. I do remember one show we were at, and you were holding him, you were sitting on bale of hay, that round the ring. I don't know what he actually saw, a cat or rat, but he dragged you right of that bale, take some doing pulling 19stone man off is feet haha.i think you said to trigger, he strong as feckin big brown bear lol. And that name stuck with you lol.
  5. Thanks Stiff, and other lads on here been great 12 years lamping I had with him, took fare bit of game with him.met some great lads on here, Yeh real quite here now, but as said couple months time once I've moved I try to get a ex worker as a pet, and some mooching about. .Ray
  6. Yeh, trig real shame, you know he was very good lamping dog, all them nights we did with him, yeh with old Bryn and buster now . I knew feel very sad about it as well , he deff be missed big time for both of us mate.
  7. Put Buck pts yesterday, he had cancer from that big lump I said before. That growed big , he lost lot weight and getting weak, couldn't jump in back of car had drag him in. I knew the time was right to do it, I thought lost my wife Feb 2024, now me old lamping mate gone, had 12 years as most know on here . He been.my best lamping filled my freezer= deer , hares , rabbits kill foxes, and bring them back to me. With people , kids , spot on with dogs great never been a fighter good job really as wreak most other dogs if gone at the like his foxes. Took him in, well I thought I go
  8. True mate ,above. And none were lifting heavy weights. And as you say, blokes to day even not in the body building scene be bigger and stronger them lads in that pub. To prove a point. When I started weight training , I stopped karate so thought I give it a go, I always had a lower back prob, but I went down saw the coach down told stopped karate after near 3 years. Well at 1st he gave me exercises to help my lower back, and light weights done this couple months and felt OK. Then started to lift heavier weights , just be take it real easy with squats. Well in 18 months I went fr
  9. Lol, come on wilf, it better, than the mirror , and the sun lol , and got good sport page,.talking sport my team fooked now, got no strikers up front. Carnt relie on one player. He banned for 3 games the fookin tosser. Wolves have blew it now.
  10. bird


    Keep fighting, not got to be happy, but fighting, because once the fight left you, then it's deff over.
  11. Thanks mate , yeh walking this next month killing me as I know it be his last, he carnt get in.back of car I have pull him in. That fookin lump on his side pulled him down, bloody shame, as was great fit strong big dog, got no weight to him now, he gone down just like old Bryn went.
  12. That sounds a good type x .
  13. Sad news that mate. I be the same with old Buck, he on his last legs now, hard to belive I've had him 12 years.
  14. Fair point , yeh he might been bit lighter, if in say month in camp and fitter. I thought he could step it up a bit even for big over weight man.but parker was lot stronger came in think was 17 st, and.looked strong agile with fast hands. I hope he get a crack at belt now, like been said though that uysk wants to fight ddd for that belt, then I think he might retire, or drop back down to cruiser. Don't know where that leave parker, maybe he have another none belt fight with Aj ??
  15. Well done Steve. Just bit of info on stock breaking.what always did was same as you for years. But tried something different with Buck my old 1x gsd xgrey. What I did was walk him round sheep , let him have look etc, but just keep walking with out interracial with them. What it does he see them wooly things as boring. And look at them like edge , gate etc. Things of no value to him. They become nothing to them, and it really works deff. Was ok for long while, just killing rabbits And foxes no probBut when dropped him on few deer, he did loose his head once, grabbed sheep one n
  16. Yeh, deff northern light , his dogs sire few pups, and he does lot rabbits regular, pm him see what he says he good honest bloke.
  17. True , OK if me and thousands of English people , bought that they there invaded , but they weren't lol. It doesn't get way from the fact that Russia would soon drop few big rockets on British soil, they killed on here already as we know.and hair rug deff won't be helping us out , it over now with America and British people, like say we on our own now, with a own poor military back up.
  18. Good watch, the dogs just look like some of our lurchers over here.smooth coated, didn't see the rough coated bigger hounds that Dan on here used to keep.maybe just different area keep different type stags. There all fast with good stamina, and they slip about 4 dogs on a yote, think Dan used slip 3 on a yote. As from what they say, a yote a good fighter, and strong jaw , so 3 kill it quick, saves a dogs getting to much stick , and can work more, makes sense.
  19. Maybe so, but trump a fookin prick saying Ukraine started the war, Russia f****n invaded them . Now we on.our own , just watch see if Russia trys anything on us, now he knows America won't back us no more.if that's the case put fookin rocket right at white house when fat bald prat in there.lol pity it don't happen.! .
  20. Yep now on Facebook , colliex greyx saluki grey real nice pups looked 5 weeks old , be right in 3 weeks time.
  21. Wonder the racing greyhound ad breed will die out in time then.i know show type greyhound a different type compared to a racer. I think as well with few stadium closing down, and not as.popular as it was say 60s . The government prob think , we may as think well ban it then ? I was watching a programme few years ago about racing greyhounds in Oz, wonder if that still the same now. Think still popular in Spain, but there cruel twats there , there leave them to starve in mountains etc if they injured, or supposed to hang them in trees .why not shoot the dog, why let suffe
  22. Went to the last 2 and on the last day me and a mate near ended up getting arrested. Was very stressful day, tempers were very high. My mate norm very quite, but was real up for fighting the filth lol. And all this and we all know, as never stopped them on horse back from doing there fookin sport, for get the bull shit they still killing foxes. I seen it with my own eyes when I lived in south staffs. I walked round corner with lurcher.he looked at me, I said I hunt as well, then few more hounds came up. Had my dog on.leadvall the while. We deff lurcher men. And terrier men, we're sold d
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