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Everything posted by anythingoes

  1. a few up 2 date fotos of young kye atb anythingoes
  2. picts are priceless mate , spot on atb anythingoes
  3. The reality is, that any one can join ,its down to you and I to wonder there intentions !!!! atb anythingoes
  4. Really really well mate, he watches my other two like a hawk and anything they do he copies ,, its as if he's wanting to be showd something new all the time and he's allways by my side if the other two are messing around looking to see if hes aloud to go roam !! He reminds me of my first lurcher and i thought i did all the work with that one . but kyes giving him a run for his money !! i will get some up to date fotos up asap atb anythingoes
  5. well in there mate well done i've not had young kye out yet but i think he mite get out shortly on the lamp ,, he seems to be doing realy well during the day with the ferret ,, hes learning fast !! atb anythingoes
  6. Every decent dog mans pack or hound should be trained to all live stock atb anythingoes Its a joy to watch mate !!
  7. Not that i am doubting your training ability but i think they were all just after a hard graft and were f****d !!!! Its always luck way you , the right place at the right time atb anythingoes ! Whats youre reply then
  8. great gall thanks for all youre help !!!

    atb anythingoes

  9. all this free and east aint doimg no good !!! and i hought i was good with computers
  10. Can any 1 help i have been a member for a fair time now and have seen and heard music on darcys and othert mods profile pages !! Now its cost me $30 or so dollars for the programe yet i still cant get any music !!!! any ideas would be appreciated !!! atb anythingoes !!
  11. .the dog on the right of the first picture is my sort of dog. any of you breedind a litter ?like a half cross or 3/8 5/8ths. keanos dog out the litter..
  12. I swear by my coliie x 's they are in my oppinion the best allrounders !!! atb anythingoes The 3 are from the litter off , of my fawn an keano's black dog !
  13. up loaded for mr lavrockhall after a days control ! May i say your dogs were a pleasure to watch work ! atb anythingoes !!
  14. dident even watch it youtube. See you at lochawe oh a will be there !!! Just remember who holds the record !!! atb anythingoes
  15. Have to agree there Catcher is the only man i know of to be able to work two lurchers seperatly off the slip on the lamp !!! The man has the patience of a saint !! He's went from beeing a mentor to being compatition !!! OH aye just of of topic whats youre biggest pike ???? atb anythingoes
  16. Its been blizzard weather here so i have been browsing u tube and came across this video !!! How true but never heard!!!
  17. Cheers undisputed my son Sean is in cloud nine.I dont have to tell you the dog is in good hands.All the best. ?.It,s in your blood so will see your new pup in about three mnths.If not Lurchermen have lost one of the best true dog men i have ever seen. See you soon Catcher. NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE DOGS IN THE BRAIN AND AS CATCHER SAYS !!!! I OH ALOT TO YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! f**k ME AM SHOCKED TO SAY THE LEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. There would be a lot more good working lakelands out there if people weren't so quick to get rid of young dog's, you hear all too often that someone has got rid of a young dog or bitch because it showed no interest at the age of twelve months or so. Some of them just need a little longer. My own dog (18months) didn't show much interest until he was about 15 months and I dug to him 3 times since. Next season will tell a lot, I'm just glad I didn't fall into the trap of not giving him enough time. Never heard a truer statement there mate !! This wee dogs not even 2 and showing great
  19. Good post mate dog looks well. atb anythingoes
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