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Everything posted by anythingoes

  1. I personally give mine a tea spoon veg oil and codliver oil 1nc a week , walk them well and give them a high protien and carbohydrate diet and that tends 2 work for me !!! But every man to there own !!
  2. Think thats apolling mate i have dealt with the same vet for 12 years now and was down seeing him recently and asked youre question!! His replie was its not illegal yet as its not cruel and would save the dogs from more injuries without them than with due to turning at speed (Common Sense i would think) !! Sum vets just think there god and forget ther gettin paid to do a job !!! Hope you get it all worked out mate as the way the laws are going it wont be long before they find sum obscure reason to ban it ! all the best !! Anythingoes...
  3. Hey guy's how are youse ? Good a hope as i am as i won a 2nd and 3rd with my wee fell bitch and a 1st and second for my lurcher bitch at 7 she got 1st in veterin class !!! I would just like to say well done to the organisers as i thought it would have been a poor turn out as ayr show has fell away over thepast 5 years or so ! But today was good i personaly felt the bizz and compitition there were sum real nice dogs ther !!! i hope next year maybe it will start to get the wreckening it used to have and wee can then re introduce the racing and obidience again!!!! BUT THE POINT IS B
  4. a know u !!! a do !!! a do know you !!! lol

  5. hey bet it was a milky doe...cuase your the milky doe kid are you not You really are a pri**k who hasent a clue you obviously have the rong info about me as a havint got clue what you er talking about !!! :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4:
  6. I have a 16mnt old dog now bread him for a purpose great natureddog quite fast caught 1 hare.!! But push has came 2 shuve. and one has to earn ones keep as they say!!. so any comments are wellcome , i am confident he will turn out , just looking for sugestions as people have there own way of diong things ,,and pick up thing of there own not just the basics that was past down to us THANK GOD !!!!!!!!!!
  7. nice dog and good result ! do always use bull x?

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