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Everything posted by anythingoes

  1. yeh but got tobe non drowsey ,,never thought of tixy licks thx
  2. hey there ,, lookin for sum info here my pack has kennell cough not to severe and ive been useing chilldrens benalin and noroclav broad spec anti biotic !!! Just wonderin whats every 1ns view on it ! according to vet that should be fine but am sure some 1 will have other remedies !!thnx anythingoes alb
  3. that was the biggest fox off the nite bub good weight in that one F***in typical ma dogs have kennell cough and i volenteer to be the camera man TYPICAL !!!!! only kiddin guys it was a belter of a nite !! 1 for the grand weans !!
  4. can kind of agree with you there mate i 1nc went with a mate and got a 1st cross black lad x grew dog it was 25 to the shoulder had pleny of stamina but speed no just to heavy boned but in saying that he was 2wen he got him :db: :Db:he was a great cover dog great for flushin kit out but not much of a catcher and he could also finish it to hard jaws he had a supose breading count as a say he was 2 [bANNED TEXT] a got him
  5. years ago terrier lads helped each other out n it was good days out now its the same as lurchers yours is better than mine,,mine is better than yours for feck sake people ,,,,enjoy what your into n keep it as a hobby n enjoy your days out with your lurchers and terriers....happy hunting folks.... i think boysfaetheblackstuff bottel has whent.... i dont think they whant to make a arse of them selfs cos they know there terriers are CRAP.... well why not pm him brigg take him out n youll find out for yourself what his dogs r like....am a lurcher man mate not a terrier lad as i stated a tried i
  6. well done wullie boy a see the dogs doing well
  7. i love that word free between lurcher folk, it shows how genuine they are and what type of real people they are as well,all the best mark
  8. they will all be hardback matey. superb cant wait the last books were a great read especialy LITTLE DOGS WITH BIG HEARTS!!
  9. At last, a good reply. A few words that speaks volumes about the way it used to be. The locator has completly changed terrier work, and for the better too.
  10. awfull lot of BOLD statements being used on here just hope the people concerned can back it all up !!!!
  11. haha that dogs a pussy cat !! no way did that catch it !!! weres the marks !!! Aye theres always one....lmao it's f*****g great what you have to do for the doubters it's about time that bitch of yours was put through her paces more we'll need to get a night out mate. Here this one's for you. This was a nasty one just above her eye there's a couple of superficial one's under her chin but they dont show up well in pic's cause of the white coat. if you set about that dog agin with stanly am reporting you and you no it u upo 4 it the nite ?
  12. haha that dogs a pussy cat !! no way did that catch it !!! weres the marks !!!
  13. yah lying big shite you know you never get out yer scratcher till well after 3.00pm....you probably got there as all the diggin had been done...lmao....where's charlie then? its ok auld yin a never left you a wasnt supost to be going out !! thats how a never called we still friends
  14. yah lying big shite you know you never get out yer scratcher till well after 3.00pm....you probably got there as all the diggin had been done...lmao....where's charlie then? aye a know where is charlie he was proberly still in bed 2 they 2 terriers are crackers u need 2 stop dipping them in dirty puddles trying 2 make them look as if they hav done a bit seen better corgi xs funny theres some mean corgis out there undisputed is studing 1 am sure all in all it was about time those 2 did a bit !!
  15. Well it was about 9.45am and my mobile rang to wake me from a slumberus sleep, it was 1 of my friends who i work the dogs with , you will need to get up and give me a hand he say's ,why whats wrong i asked but to my delight all i hear is a terriers light squeel in the back ground,,is that a terrier i hear ? Yep sur is he sayd got up early for a walk and think i've pushed a fox to ground, the 2 dogs are gone and i dont have a box or collers F**k!! Give me half an hour and i'll be with you !! So i scpaped my self out of bed grabed the box ,collers and of course the dogs and made my way to
  16. my oppinion is the 1st years for trainning and the seconds for its quarry ,,rabbits then charlie !!! a would never run a dog till its at least a year old ,,goto give it time to grow or otherwise you could risk the dog getting an injurie it carrys all its life !
  17. Not wanting to jump on the wagon here but ,, i tend to agree with you there Keano the judging was poor,, but some of the judges comments were MENTAL to say the least !! Statements like (i'm judging this purley by age ) nothin to do with the dogs looks or breed,, just there age ,,is pretty poor !! Then to see Corgy's beat terriers in a working dog compitition come on now !! And then to be told ,, NICE PET!!!!! Mite just be me and sour grapes but to see a terrier with a well worked face should i say,, to be told nice PET and then not to be placed !!Thank god i only took lurch
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