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Everything posted by anythingoes

  1. Very well put !!! I'm sad I never explained myself properly, and as for the case in Lanark . there is no mention of a man walking SCOT FREE!! due having and adequit defence lawyer atb anythigoes ps as stated its only the bad stuff we hear of!!!!!
  2. for every lose , there is allways a victory sad thing is we dont have millions of pounds to spend on propoganda . or it wouldnt get the publicity it deseves
  3. these people( this new specific wild life prosecution team) specificaly liased with the SSPCA and actualy breached peoples human rights, the sad thing is that they never ACTUALLY KNEW IT, THATS WHAT THE ACTUAL PROBLEM IS,,,,PEOPLE DONT KNOW THERE OWN RIGHTS !!!
  5. From: Crown Office Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service News Release 12 August 2011 New specialist prosecutors appointed for wildlife and environmental crime Two prosecutors have today been appointed as full-time specialists for wildlife and environmental crime, the Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland QC has announced. Kate Fleming and Shona McJannett will investigate, mark and prosecute all cases involving crimes against wildlife and the environment in Scotland. Their remit will also include cases of animal cruelty. Miss Fleming will be based at the Glasgow Procurator Fiscals off
  6. From: Crown Office Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service News Release 12 August 2011 New specialist prosecutors appointed for wildlife and environmental crime Two prosecutors have today been appointed as full-time specialists for wildlife and environmental crime, the Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland QC has announced. Kate Fleming and Shona McJannett will investigate, mark and prosecute all cases involving crimes against wildlife and the environment in Scotland. Their remit will also include cases of animal cruelty. Miss Fleming will be based at the Glasgow Procurator Fiscals off
  9. where abouts are you mate , do you still have the maverick ? as above ??????
  10. hi there ,could be interested if you still have it, bit far to travel so the price would have to be negotiable due to distance. cheers
  11. well thats another oppinion , but shows are a good laugh ,its something to do in the summer, maybe you just take them to seriouse or havn't won any lmao
  12. This could take awhile The Old Man Of Storr, a giant crag(mountain), that can be seen for miles around. The path starts near the bus stop before the pine trees , about a half mile after Loch Leathan on the road from Dig Dig to Staffin and the walk is relatively laid out, providing the weather is in your favour and can be done up and down in just over 4.5hrs. The Rock is self is believed to be dated between 35-55 million years old ,made up of Volcanic rock. there are some cracking cliff faces behind the rock which you aren't supposed to see due to the rocks being so unstable, i
  13. anythingoes


    You should show the disgraced x cops second half,Miss Heather Lawson (AKA- Rafferty's bitch / servant) and Pimp x forces Kevin Roach,,,,,,,,, oh the list goes on.... PS, How's Fat man squealer Sam Reid doing these day's , heard he was having some health issues, hope it's nothing life threatening !!!!! What a lose that would be to the society....... Hey it would be a great gain for the real true working society though. Glad this is an open forum and nothings ever took seriouse , god people would be jailed for death threats ,,,,LMAO atb anythingoes
  14. sadly that doesn't happen at these parts but it would be good to help out with some control at an earth as a prize ,sadly thats not the case , but again it's a good day out and to meet the genuine folk , but again the post is about raising a terrier for show and to call it a worker without beeing in the dark does it mean it has to do all , be smashed up or work for the reason it was bread and posibly more ?
  15. there are some interesting points being raised ,its funny how a book can almost change the perspective of what you believe or tink to be correct atb anythingoes
  16. if you check I'm a lurcher man who owns a few well bread terriers ,its not got to lose a jaw ,just to be a proven true working terrier ,all it has to do is keep it ata bay, till it getts a hand, now why the dig only asckin what people though about the topic not my avitar so just to keep you ok i have removed it to save a valid post. All ithas to do is keep it at bay ,till it gets a hand.How many terriers do you put to ground at one time like.banny i'm not going to explain myself to ou and its not about me !!! READ THE POST!!!!!
  17. if you check I'm a lurcher man who owns a few well bread terriers ,its not got to lose a jaw ,just to be a proven true working terrier ,all it has to do is keep it ata bay, till it getts a hand, now why the dig only asckin what people though about the topic not my avitar so just to keep you ok i have removed it to save a valid post.
  18. A fair comment but, as I'm sure you're well aware its something to do in the summer and it can and has happened for a winning shower to deserve the same reward for its working ability as it has for it stance,looks,physic but again that's only an opinion. But Terriers shouldn't be bread for showing purposes especially in a working show , hey is that not what crufts is for ATB Anythingoes

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