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Everything posted by anythingoes

  2. vet rap its a god send !!! a few large badages and a saline solution !! that should support injories and slow blood loss till you get to a vet !!! VET RAPS A MUST IT COSTS BUTTONS BUT WORKS WONDERS !! NO TAPE REQUIRED !! atb anythingoes
  3. Hello there and welcome mate ! nice guns i also have an air arms s410 .22 with silencer and barrell weight for balance , theoben fenman with vortex silencer ,it has a lovely barrell and i also have a few others !! hope you enjoy the site and watch out for pc hunters who no nothing atb anythingoes
  4. If you aint sure what youre doing with pneumatic air guns dont tamper with it as 200Bar is alot of pressure and can cause seriouse damage ! my advice is take it to youre locall gun smith and if hes any good he will zero it for you with youre choice and weight of pellet ! Hope you get it sorted mate ! atb anythingoes
  5. that a fair post Catcher when i put any lucher pup on it frist killis i go do a bite off ferrent and take the rabbits in two a big large park the give it a good start and the let my dog go on it that the way i do it but you kown when your dog ready once ot fines its feet some dogs come on quicker than other dog as you kown Catcher mate atb KEANO catcher mate ,,,,,,,,, I was taught by some very clever dog owners many moons ago !!! that the 1st year of a dogs life is training , training, training ,, ie , sit, stay, lie down and of course how to over come obsticals such a
  6. il think il give them a go.they look the buisness i'v just ordered muck boots stalkers they look the business !!£70
  7. NICE PICTS ATB anythingoes !
  8. I'm sorry guys but breading does have a part to play but TRAINING AND ENTERING a dog to its quarry is everything !!! ATB anythingoes
  9. good day and good picts ATB anythingoes
  10. to get the joy out of any sport you need decent equiptment !! atb anythingoes! my s410
  11. You have got this 1 going catcher !!!!
  12. at least you got something mate
  13. Just give them a quick spray with Frontline bud, problem solved. there are a few ways but frontlines the best !
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