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Everything posted by anythingoes

  1. my kennel has a security light and camera on it !! well worth every penny !! [bANNED TEXT] the light comes on so does the camera !! atb anythingoes
  2. bring on next season for the brothers in arms youre [bANNED TEXT] there mate bring it on !!!!
  3. go out wrecking and you will come across somthing !!!
  4. stuffin a tattie up an exhaust !! 100yrds and no further
  5. yep if line under name means youre writing thread !! atb anythingoes !!
  6. Hello there mate and welcome back to the sport !! Hope to read some good posts off you in the future !!! atb anythingoes !!!
  7. mother , father , with daughter and brother !!
  8. now thats diggin deep !!!!! atb anythingoes !!
  9. fair point and well said !!! atb anythingoes
  10. got 1 mate worth every penny !! worth there weight in gold atb anythingoes !!
  11. braw pup there sjm best of luck atb anythingoes !
  12. bit of a small car but best of luck with sale !! atb anythingoes
  13. youre right there mate jills are easier to work with !!
  14. I dont think you could add anything else to what these dogs bring to the mix you forgot to mention saluki x. Collies have excellent noses, brains etc so a gundog wouldn't add anything better. All the above mentioned dogs bring enough to the mix so why bother adding something that aint gonna improve on what you have. fair and good point !!!
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