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anythingoes last won the day on February 19 2011

anythingoes had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

28 Good

About anythingoes

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 29/07/1970

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    north west
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  1. Great friend, taught me a lot sadly missed.


  2. nice picts Undi , Herring is slightly out of focus but can be lived with ...... atb anythingoes
  3. sure the plea was guilty , the judge even said that if it was as bad as the crown was trying to make out then there would have been alot more charges not one that tries to cover all aspects , but at end of day he plead so he acepts liability and was punished acordingly due to that fact , even the jusge stated maybe the uddinstone lad should have remained not guily due to the flaws she found in the so called evedince (half of which was disregarded as it prove nohing , in particulare to the so called involvment in badger contact) but we live and learn. the sspca had to go all guns blazz
  4. fanny photo courses dont count. you were taken to those spots and guided on settings by a pro
  5. cheers guys , still learning . unlike Udi the pro
  6. Scotlands undiscovered or under appreciteted beauty and wonders.
  7. i would tend to recomend Nokia N siesies . carl zeize lense.....good optics good vphone ...
  8. listen pal if you had full on war whith these so called authorities you would be daft no to stop think and listen,,,,,,,,,,,,as stated this is an open frorum for open oppinions........ atb anythingoes
  9. lets just say alls not lost if you fight for your rights ....... atb anythingoes
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