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Everything posted by jazz_11

  1. i nearly bought this gun before the other fella sold it.. its 22
  2. nice one mate.. and what sawdust/chippings you use? oak?
  3. was it nice? i tried smoked woodie before and it was disgusting.. its always hard to tell how much chippings to put in and how long to leave it for?
  4. can i have first refusal may pick up tomorrow if u just repplied to my pms
  5. pm sent matey what silencer is on it?
  6. lol...... i did go by myself my dad took the pic when he picked me up lol..
  7. yer its a big big piece of land and the farmers tidy, lets me come and go as i please just aslong as i phone him before i go he even lets me go on there when he isnt there.. but not to keen on lamping but if i want to lamp i go to one of the othr farms which we have left for a while so should be good few days now when i get my rapid
  8. got some pigeon gear and i got a lamp i just wanted to get out early morning...
  9. well decided i would pay the farm a visit this morning, just by myself no dog... i was not expecting much as it started raining as i left so.... i arrived at the farm went for a walk around the first 3 fields nothing in sight. then went over to the field where a few weeks back we counted 16 rabbits in this small few acre field.. anyway saw this HUGE rabbit in the middle of the field i swear its the same rabbit i saw a few weeks back as it was in the same place. i started to go into stealth mode and started crawling but he noticed me... then i saw another one about 40 yards away bang!!!!
  10. can buy pumps for around 50-100 quid... thats agive away price as it is..
  11. nice write up there mate... it does make me think especially as down my way if we get any rabbits in a days fereting, then its a good day even if its one or 2... but the further up england you go, we hear of huge amounts of rabbits being caught, that us down in wales could only dream of... i have often wonderd what the rabbit numbers would of been like if mixi was not layed down by farmers to control numbers, and even now 50 years on mixi is still taking rabbits and thinning numbers out. you can only IMAGINE the fun we would be having...
  12. which is great IF you have a ticket....
  13. can you sort some pics out mate i may be interested.. do you no what power its at...
  14. right this works with my spaniel.. when you go out walking the dog take a stick.. Put the lead around your back and have the dog to the left hand side of you so the lead is around the back of your knees and your holding it with your right hand.. this will automatically slow the dog down and also when it pulls just jerk your left knee and that also helps not to much because you could hurt the dog.. with the stick place it across the dogs chest to show for it to stop.. i saw it on tv and it works for my dog.. hope it works for yours aswelll
  15. just had a word with a feo at the police headquarters and he also agreed there shouldnt be a problem i must just state what calibre im after and i explained im not after the big calibres just the rimefire and high powerd air rifle for pest control... he said aslong as i have got the land i should be ok as all the checks have been put in place for my sgc.... happy days.
  16. thanks guys... theres only one road that goes through the farm and thats a private road to get to the farm house... no public footpaths or anything like that ill get the forms sent then cheers guys will keep you updated..
  17. thanks guys one of the guys i shoot with has a open fac and sgc and he will get any ammo for me... im 17 in octber so this will change then.. the land i would describe as huge as i cant walk around it in a 4 hour session it would take me a good few hours to get around all of it.. you say conditions what sort of conditions and also what sort of question will they fire at me..
  18. right guys i have been shooting now for about 2 years i would say approxomatly and i have a sgc which i got in march this year... i want a 22 rimfire and possibly a fac air rifle nothing special im not after the bigger calibre rifles just something to hit rabbits at 60-100 yards... i want to send in for my fac but i want to know realisticly whats the chances of me getting it.. i have got one piece of land which as far as i am aware but i will get it confirmed is FAC approved. i will get a signed letter off the farmer to say that he is happy to let me shoot with a firearm, i did the same
  19. pre at its the classic and doesnt have a safety so its the older better guns..
  20. thanks guys just what i wanted to hear were having a problem in the house with toya and people ionsisting the dog MUST have toys but thanks guys its my dog so im going to tell them to go and stock there noses else where..
  21. i recognise that from somewhere... cracking gun guys and a top bloke.. sorry the gun doesnt suit you mate..
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