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Everything posted by jazz_11

  1. @carlosmingos.. hi mate what i basically mean is that sparsholt is known for its gamekeeping courses... its far better than any other i no of, even the one that the college i am studying at used to run therefor if someone who studdied at sparsholt came up against someone who studied gamekeeping at my local agricltural college whih was only a 1 day a week NVQ course who is most likely to get the job ? .... its not always the case and one thing college wont give you is much experience and in my view thats what its all about, getting experience...
  2. gutted for you mate really am, i nowhat it feels like when you break something like that... hope you get it sorted... luckily it was the gun and not you tho hey mate
  3. lovely animal good set of antlers
  4. hi mate, i like you want to get in to keepering, i have dropped my full time job and i am workin one or 2 days a week now, i find it financially hard as my parents cant support me but i just got to get on with it... keepering like others have said is pretty hard to get in to, a lot of shoots looks for lads who have come from sparsholt college, a college known for its gamekeeping course.. I then changed a little and i am looking to do anything within agriculture or land based.. im now studying a 2 year land management course in a agricultural college, just completed my chainsaw course and pas
  5. if u like wearing wellies get a pair of muck boots around the -90 quid mark spot on had mine for 3 years now waterproof, comfy and warm, wht more do u want...
  6. nice pics mate well don looing at that stoat, doesnt look like something killed him, poison possibly ?
  7. nice dog mate... is there no other way you can keep him? if you let him go to someone just to go back to you in 6 months you wont be doing the dog any favours each person has their own way of taking the dogs out and training them.
  8. nice bit of kit mate and good footage.. well done
  9. Well done... i need to take your approach and get my whippet sorted...
  10. having done a bit of wok for nobs in the past they CAN only reply if they get the shout from shoots in the area... if tere is no shoots in your region looking for beating how can they possibly get you any beating...
  11. nice read mate well done... first of many i hope for you..
  12. ignore that mate thats about as helpful as a ashtray on a motorbike.. im sure there something mate contact local keepers theyre the best people to ask... underkeeper or maybe even a labourer of some sort.. we al have to start somewhere....
  13. fair play that is lovely mate and a rare piece like you say... all the best
  14. like others have aid good luck, if you cant find work make some!!! well done fella hope u make a killing...
  15. I am offering my time to do a bit of work on a pheasant shoot large or small maybe one day a week (sunday if possible) just to gain experience, i am in college studying countryside land management + forrestry full time which looks at a variety of aspects within the countryside. ... I have transport but must be within the south wales area I would be very greatful if anyone could help me out.. thanks
  16. Rob Thanks mate i Pm'd u and ade im right down in newport which is a fair treck from neath but thank you very much for the offer it really is appreciated...
  17. Evening all I am studying countryside land management in south wales and we have to undergo 400hrs placement.. is there any shoots or estates or any work of this nature that would be willing to take me on for my placement.. The course looks at a variety of things such as fencing, hedgelaying, deer management, forrestry and wetland management plus more... like i say im down in south wales but can travel if anyone can help me please pm me.. thanks jazz
  18. evening ladies and gents I recently got a pair of jills off a friend so looking to start back ferreting.. i got rid of all my nets and boxes when my last ferret died... just wondering if anyone has got any old nets, or ferret boxes hanging round they dont use wich i could buy off them ? Im a student down in south wales so moneys a little tight so not looking to spend a fortune.. kind regards jazz
  19. got 2 top class boat roads for sale, these arent your usual cheapies, more for the serious angler... one is a Antares 20-30lb class rod, very nice through action all eyes are fuji aswell as the reel seat. rhis is not the new cheaper braid boat model The second is a shimano technium df 20-30 7'6 rod this rod is stunning, could be used for anything uptiding or down tiding, the first 6 inches are aimed at bight detection, so nice and soft then once yo go past that its power and will just keep bending!!! im after 120 for the antares and forthe technium, open to sensible offers both ro
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