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Everything posted by jazz_11

  1. well im hoping to go out next sunday for some clay shooting... the club which run it dont aim to make money so what they charge is what they buy everything for.. cartridges with the fibre wad are 4 pound a box and its 12 pound for 60 clays...im expecting to go through atleast 100 cartridges as im new to it.. but where do you go and how much is it.. treetops which litts run is deer summin like 28pound for 50 clays.. but not sure is its that price if you bring your gun and cartridges,,,, cheersjazz
  2. i fancy a double barrel 410 wether it be sbs or o/u but you dont see many of them around.. but shotguns are new to me so im going to see if i can hit some clays first cheers jazz
  3. well i got my shotgun now and although the season is over im just curious to know if many of you bolt to shotguns... im going to get my eye in on clay pigeon and hopefully clay rabbit aswell so by next year i should be ok i just think it is much easier as no nets needed and you can cover far more warrens quicker.. do you do it and what with o/u or sbs thanks jazz
  4. he has got enough guns to start a war lol.....
  5. thanks hoping to get out this weekend and try it
  6. I AGREE AND when he filled in my certificate he put down al the usual details but where it says Loaned, Lent bought etc in that box he put given... also with my certificate i got 2 gun transfer sheets where i gave one to him and he filled in the box which said he is giving it to me. and then i filled in the other sheet saying he has given me the gun and all the details... really easy
  7. thanks mate im well pleased with it better condition than i thought it would be in....
  8. i can get it filled for 1 pound a time or my bottle filled for 3.50 2 pound is expensive BUT i bought my bottle for 165 quid new which is a bargain cheaper than anywhere else so its either fork out that sort of money or just pay 2 quid... its worth the money in the long run... NO BOTTLE INCLUDED IN THE SALE yes you can use a pump but its hard work..
  9. it was a gift as im under 17 it was off a good mate of mine, he didnt use it he has had it for 7 years but soon after he bought it he bought a lanber so no need for this one... which is why he gave it to me
  10. well i finally picked up my midland o/u 12b today i am well pleased its in pretty good nick could do with a slight polish in areas but other than that i love it.... cant fault it within 2 weeks of sending off for my sgc i have the certificate and now a shotgun to go with it. i am hoping to get out this weekend at a farm i have permission on and see if i can have abash at whatever flies (legal quarry) hopefully some crows and woodies.. might even get a squirrel as ill leave the rabbits now until may-june.. cheers jazz
  11. comeon fellas just had a service and the seals changed...
  12. im picking up my midlan o/u tomoz cant wait:D nothing special but its my first gun i cant wait
  13. the fella i had was great he was lauging and joking around as i think he could tell i was nervous when i had my interview. the fella i had used to be in the armed response unit in the police he used to shoot snipers.... loll cheers jazz
  14. Mine took less than 2 weeks so cant fault them
  15. do many of you use double triggers the one im getting is double trigger o/u... i understand they can be harder to use but after a while surely you get used to it..
  16. also what else would i need: cartridge belt cartridge bag game bag.. anything else.. the gun has the front bead missing so just wondering if anyone has a magnetic one i can buy,...
  17. well i received my shotgun certificate this morning it only took 2 weeks probeberly would have taken less if i got the interview sooner as i had it last thursday and today it arrived.. well i cant complain i was so pleased.. im only 16 and a good mate of mine is gifting me a shot gun only a cheapo rough O./U now with my certificate i got 2 gun transfer sheets now im not sure what to do with them. do i give one to my mate to fill in and he sends it off and do i do the same with the gun serial number etc etc as i know he used to just write into them if he bought a new gun and the seller would
  18. ok thanks i could be up for having ago mysekf.. how much did the timber cost mate and wa do you use to make a template.? cheers
  19. looks the dogs nuts what sort of equipment do you need and can you do it with the bear essentials such as a drill a jigsaw and sand paper..
  20. i agree as soon as i saw the heading i thought it wouldnt be here for much longer...... i have seen alot more dead on the side of the road... an increasing number over the last few years,.... it was uncommon but now i see atleast 1 a week......
  21. moped anyone or a geared 50?
  22. i had my interview with the FAO on thursday for my SGC i no its not a FAC but they want to know what you will use it for, where you will use it, why you want it... a fac is for any bullet gun not just air rifles. i have been told on several occasions that a FAC is much much harder to get than a shotgun certificate and that they go into much more detail. but the officer said he cant see any problems with my application so i was well pleased.. you need to do your homework when applying for a fac or sgc....
  23. what you mean ???????????
  24. bump still for sale.... after a 50 moped aswell or a 125 which i will px... or 177 anyone..
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