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Everything posted by jazz_11

  1. good luck with your application i find having a certificate keeps you on the straight and narrow as if there is a fight in town you wouldnt think twice bout jumping in but if you have a certificate you think.. hang on if i get caught its gone... thats the way i look at it anyway cheers
  2. i wouldnt get that many in 12 years good shooting lads..
  3. cant fault it let us no how you get on mate
  4. where you get the call from mate?????
  5. im trying to find the cord for my phone then ill put pics up
  6. is anyone going to comment on this thread ????
  7. lol.... why dont you get him to buy a gun for you on his ticket which you could use... or prehaps get yourself an air rifle.... theyre great fun.. good shooting though wont take much till you beat him
  8. jazz_11


    i got one he is massive and very fast if its anygood... im in newport my sis lives in caerleon so could meet up..
  9. it is illegal to shoot a firearm into trees, the bullet could ricochet and go anywhere as stated... but good shooting anyway,...
  10. Scuzy had a very good shot yesterday was about 45 yards on a big rabbit caught him in the neck best shot i have ever seen,.....
  11. can you IMAGINE the numbers if there was no mixi, it was layed down round the 2nd world war time (i think) by farmers. they showed it on "Kill it, Cook it, Eat it" it was in a white powder form. but we can only imagine the numbers and sport we would have if it didnt exist. then again more farmers would be troubled by them farmers want them gone. but when out shooting we like to see good numbers... so if the numbers were greater than they are it would be better sport more people would have permission. great for us but not so good for the farmers... cheers jazz
  12. well me and scuzy had a good day down his permission today. we didnt arrive till 1:30 as i had to work till 12 but anway the day started off slow, i saw a pheasant which i chased to see how close i could get but NO WAY was i pulling the trigger as its out of season and a sunday so couldnt get much worse lol.. ohh wel.. we will have him. scuzy shoots airguns so i gave him a go on mine with some clay pigeon cartridges i had left over as they were no good to me and i wanted to keep my hunting cartridges... so after a few shots so he can get used to the noise and recoil we move on. he had the sho
  13. my springer was 2 when i got him he is pretty headstrong but he has calmed down abit now and also i have been consistant with him and he is coming along now... the biggest problem was hunting at a distance but what i found is: if you take all the balls away from the dog when he is inside the house when you take him out use your recall or whistle to retrieve them back and then without turning throw the ball along the floor behind you this will get the dog used to coming bak to you and not going to far ahead thats what the dog trainier did with my spaniel and i kept doing it and its worked now.
  14. looks like the hob has found out how to work his bits..... the one jill is on her way out of season now and the other should be on her way out soon as he has deffinatly been done by the hob all the signs are there. now im going to split the hob up after the weekend proberbly and get the 3 jills together. now do i count 6 weeks from the time the swelling goes right down or should i be counting now...? cheers
  15. pm sent first refusal if possible please
  16. s400 every time in my pinion i have shot both dont like the stock on the 200 the s400 carbine is light and weighs very little. just my opinion other may agree or disagree
  17. i got 3 farms ok 1 of em are crap and the other is only ferreting just from phoning the farms in my area, i got contact details from yellow pages. i also have another farm which i shoot on but i knocked and spoke to the landowner...lletters can work although stamps could become costly and you will hardly ever get a reply..
  18. all pm's repplied to please note i am in Newport South Wales. and i am often up in wiltshire if thats anygood to anyone...
  19. right 130 lads ono normal sgc rules apply...
  20. thanks for the advice fella i have seen them do it i dont no if i can get an older hob but will ask around... i am wanting to breed from them as the demand for ferrets round me is pretty good. how soon will the jills swelling go down after its been "done".... cheers jazz
  21. Just testing the water i have recently got myself a midland o.u dt Non ejector. its a lovely first/rough gun and it has served me well i would keep it just my air rifle takes up to much space in my cabinet and i wont fit in 2 shotguns and a rifle.. like i say its a midland o/u good condition although there is a few marks on the stock. it fires well and has been cleaned after every use and well looked after. i would consider a px for something better a o.u single trigger ejector maybe... prehaps semi auto... viewing is welcome and trying the gun may be possible not guaranteed though... i no
  22. Hello. I have 3 jills and 2 hobs. both hobs are coming up to a year so are the 2 of my 3 jills. 2 ofmy jills are heavy in season and they have been with one of the hobs i got. well they are getting more and more into season although i can hear the squeling and he is deffinatly having a go lol.....they have been living together since about august last year and im just waiting for the 2 to come out of season before i take the hob out... any ideas why they are going further in season and not coming out. The hobs in season so i dont understand thanks
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