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Everything posted by dogman89

  1. is he having trouble breathing?? my dogs started off like this and then a massive lump apperared over nite in her throat and it was cancer. probs and hopefully not the same with u but i would get the vet asap hope hes alright dogman
  2. id like to think that if i was out and someone came on to me me my lurcher would protect me, but hes still only young at the moment but im the only person hes really used to being handled by even though he sees other people
  3. does anyone no of any good boar hunting trips (with dogs) abroad. id be interested in going on one for my holiday next year or possibly the year after. thanks dogman
  4. some cracking looking dogs on here i didnt realise the beddy x was as popular
  5. sounds good. im going to leave mine until its about 18months just to be sure that hes mature and ready for it cause i dont wanna rush him and ruin him. hes my first lurcher so he is and hopefully he'l take fox. also that dog looks well smart
  6. nice one mate. what age did u start the dog on fox???
  7. 100% mate. i saw the sire and dam. the dam was a straight greyhound and the sire was 1/2beddy 1/4grey 1/4whippet. my mate has his sister and shes got a very different coat, her coat is longer and very rough and shes about 2inches smaller. i think that he has thrown mainly to the greyhound side
  8. he was 24 1/2 tts when that photo was taken so id say he'd probably be just over 25tts now
  9. does anyone think that a staffy from show lines would make any sort of worker, if it was brough up from a pup to work. it will be hunting with a lurcher???
  10. this is my 1/4beddy 5/8greyhound 1/8whippet. hes 11months now but in the photo he 9months. at the moment hes just caught 1 rabbit but hes coming on a treat does anyone else run these cross and what do they think on them? http://i37.tinypic.com/20hag7p.jpg
  11. the man i hunt with said he caught his biggest hare years ago. he said when he was carrying it home he held its legs over his shoulder and the hares ears were still touching the ground. this man is in his sixtys and has caught just about everything that moves so he has no need to lie to me
  12. id say a flirt pole should help increase its turning and stuff like that. i used a flirt pole with my terrier and now she can turn and bite really fast
  13. was in germany for the second day of the beer festival. it was amazin. i was in the Hofbräu-Festzelt tent. this tent seats about 7000people so imagine that many pissheads in one space lol the beers come in big litre glasses and the alcohol volume is 6-7% i was only on my second beer when the police came and threw me out. in the tent i was in apparantly its tradation to rip of peoples underwear dip it in beer and throw it on this floating pig thing i got mine ripped off by 4 australians. mine came of easy. i decided to join in. never have i saw full grow men held 5 ft in the air by the
  14. mate as long as its chasing and catch, i couldnt give a toss whats in my dog
  15. dogman89


    one of my dogs doesnt mind them, the other one i havnt had long enuff to see them
  16. dogman89

    devil dogs

  17. the laww states that a pit bull or pit bull type is illegal. pit bull type means cross. i did work experience with the dog warden and they were happy to pass any pit bull of a a large stayy as they get more grief from it than is worth. Also there was to pit bulls lifted in northern ireland bout 2 years ago and the women went to one of the papers and said that they were half pit bull. the dogs were put down i think. She basically put the final nail in the coffin for her dogs. i saw them as well and they were two fine looking animals
  18. eing in the general dog forum i thought it sounds like a person eats dog crap lol
  19. mate hes identical to my dog except for the bit of black on your dogs face, heres a photo of my dog http://i33.tinypic.com/2n6vigo.jpg
  20. atm he doesnt look to heavy like, mybe once hes conditioned he will be ok, all the best with him any way
  21. flip me dogrun looks like you had an amazin day
  22. thats not good, i lost my dog bout 6 weeks ago to cancer. fine one day then the next she had a lump the size of a cricket ball in her throat. i thought it was a bone stuck it but the vet said it was cancer and only had a few days so i did the decent thing
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