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Everything posted by dogman89

  1. hilarious, not. thought this site was about hunting and a place for people to learn, not for shit like this to waste threads
  2. I normally notice a big change from the last 2 weeks. but this one still has 3 weeks left and looks like a barrel on legs! I think she is going to go early! Good luck with your pups. cheers, atb with your litter 2
  3. mt staffy gets codliver oil tablets every day if i remember. if the pups dont get feed fiish then i will give them codliver oil but i try to feed them fish in its own oil atleast once a day
  4. just rabbit atm but il give him another couple of months and then il put him on fox. i dont want to enter him to them to early and put him of them
  5. if the dogs just a pup then whats the point in breeding from a dog that isnt a seasoned proven worker? i wouldnt think of breeding one of my running dogs until they were atleast 5 and have proved them selves on all quarry
  6. during the pregnancy at how many weeks do you notice the biggest increase in size? my staffy is due in about 16 days and she isnt overly big but every time she eats she swells up. i have noticed an increase in her size and she has slowed up a bit. atb i dont want a big litter anyway as i only bred her as i want one of her pups. many thanks
  7. i think that theres one of these crosses in one of the warreners dvds and it looks a handy wee dog
  8. do u have a fav tv show? 3 of my dogs are named out prison break lincoln (lincoln burrows) scofield (michael scofield) general (after the general jonathan krantz)
  9. new years resoulations are a load of shite, 99% are broken within the first 2weeks lol and by the end of febuarary you cant even remember what your resoulations were
  10. what are the wheaten lurchers like as workers? i no every dog is different, but in general?
  11. all being well, i will hopefully get to it
  12. just got my first whippet, looking forward to next season already
  13. u should use the chiwawa to go down rabbit holes lol nice pack youve got there
  14. Any other good books i should keep my eye out for???. the sporting bull terrier. the world of fighting dogs
  15. including flights i reckon id be willing to spend £1500. for many it sounds like it would be a once in a life time holiday and a dream so i think it would be worth spending the money
  16. thanks everyone, the vet said its only a minor one and shes pretty sure it will go away. as im still young and this is only my second running dog, when a vet says something like that to u it puts ur head away and makes u bloody paranoid lol
  17. did u no that amazon was started by some guy in his garage.
  18. work in a butcher and its really put me of xmas.
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