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Everything posted by milliken

  1. as i said my dog got 7 there is a extra one in the pic that i lifted out of the car never got a pic of all them but im sure if the other fella wants to put up what his dog lifted he will robert
  2. can no one put pic up of these whippet ill put mind up took many fox over his life time if i get hold of a canner ill put few up of him doing the deed 22" 34lb
  3. had a decent night on the lamp with a fellow member of her last night and his older bitch made my young dog look out of place thanks mate for a good night even know the wind droped as soon as we went out we ended the night on 22 rabbit with my whippet getting 7 and making very hard work of a few and the other dog got 15 a pic of princes few
  4. im not sure about your way but matt slavin breeds a few decent working whippets robert
  5. they course jack rabbit in the usa not sure if they run as well as are brown hare if you know mr casidey adam he knows more about the amircan coursing dog as it was him that used it at stud i think the dog is still alive and owned by a man from belfast the there is a size diffrence in the usa whippet there breed standered is i think round 22" for dogs where ares is 21" there are alot of people out there breeding whippets bigger but to me between 20 and 22 is a good size any bigger they lose the whippet type and start to look and run like greyhounds and lose there turning abilty that whippets a
  6. you are right mate they are not suited to fox and if fox is you choise quarry there are better dog for fox there is no way i would say a whippet is a foxing dog but really a great rabbiting dog and if some thing eles comes along all well and good and ever better if you dog takes it i dont like seeing a dog get a bashing my self my dog is of very diffrently breed to mikes dogs no sooty sam in him at all he is of jolly nippy racing lines the bitch ann brought over here with her put to a barnsmore dog out of painted pony stock fly my old dog the brindle below was out of this mateing i never mat
  7. you wont go wronge with one of mikes dogs not sure if he has many at stud i think it is just glen and another younger dog most whippets if entered will take fox i dont know why some many people think it is over there capabilty the sire of my dog took many over the years and the litter brother to my dog is takeing a good few but has a bit of bother killing them but will never let go once locked on robert
  8. i would dout it is really half laguna whippet are you from ireland robert
  9. hi the laguna afix is only a kennel name own buy the late mrs dorrit mackay witch where manly show and coursing breed dogs of very whippety aperance and well under 20 inches now her daughter is the named holder of the afix and breeds mainly show dog but also races some to me the laguna whippet is dead and gone the laguna line is behind most the good working whippets being breed now to me most whippet with even a bit of laguna in the line are being sold as laguna whippet but a true laguna whippet will of been breed by mrs bg or a friend with her over seeing the breeding there is far better th
  10. good going mate it was now where near that foggie over here hand looking dog by the way robert
  11. it was a bit mate and still as hell but if we waited for perfact nights we would never get out hi did you get on robert
  12. mate the dates wronge the dog would of been 10 weeks old in that pic lol robert
  13. well the weather was fine yesterday after noon for a bit of lamping but as it got nearer the time for me and prince to head to the field for a bit of bunny bashing the slight wind droped to pure silence and every step im sure you could of heard ever step but any way 9 o clock came and me and prince headed to are permision the first bit of this land is used for growing weat and had just been cut a few days before and if the wind had of been up im sure we would of put decent numbers in the bag but due to no wind and the sound of freshly cut weat did not help we did manage a few runs and only too
  14. has this bitch been mated before as to me it ound like she has but has hurt he back in the prosess ? get a friend to hold her head wile you hold her up from under her pelvis and let the stud try that way but always hold her on till the mateing is over as for knowing when she is ready rub you hand over the base of her tail if ready she will point it up and to the side slightly hope this helps robert
  15. i take it no one get there dog fit for the coming season then robert
  16. rucksack and a 17 amp same as mark, swaped from a shoulder bag last year, a lot better for me personaly I have the 18 amp belt pack with the Light force,went out with Dawn Raider on his permission ,Wednesday,first field ,no light ,the solder had come off a connection,the leads on the Lightforce are shit, lamps good .I find by the end of the night the belt is around my knees and I'm nearly on mine! All right for a big lump like you Tommo! i use the ame as you mate i think the belt packs are a great job just make sure it on tight or your never done trying to fix it robert
  17. there seems to be some a lot of work that goes into most the dogs on here to get them to the peak of fittness what are your secrets ? what does your programs involve what types of food ? hi many time a week do you train on lure ? hi many miles a day do you do with your dog ? what type of ground do you walk them on grass or stone ? do you train in water ? ill give you a quick insight into my program it has done me well so far but any thing i can inprove on help and tips would be great my dogs are feed of a barf diet of 50 per cent meat to 50 per cent veg includeing
  18. u sure that isnt a teddy bear ahaha :clapper: feckin huge im [bANNED TEXT] the dog wishes it had of been a teddy bear robert
  19. well done mate and a few bunnys robert
  20. hi mate a terriersman lurcher will mark foxes to ground and draw a fox at the end of a dig and catch bolted foxes your dog should be more than able im sure he will catch a few rabbits but surely you would be better of with a whippet or smaller lurcher if rabbits where your intended quarry robert
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