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Everything posted by frosty

  1. Nice looking dog. The Fox terriers were the original terrier that the jack russell sprouted from. If you look at old photos of fox terriers they still resemble todays variety more than the russell.
  2. Does anyone have any that work or know of any? I dont want to hear the usual blabber that why would you bother they are show dogs not working dogs. If the Bedlington was resurected why not the wire fox terrier. What has your experience been wit the breed?
  3. Where did you get her? Is she a Kennel club dog or a worker?
  4. Are these rambo, rillington, gutchcommon liness actually pure bedlington or are they outcrossed?
  5. I posted this a while back and I didnt get a straight answer. Does anyone breed purebred working Bedlingtons? I am not interested in Bedlington X but instead working lines that strictly have bedlington in their makeup and nothing else.
  6. thats a real dog its some kind of genetic condition. I read a whole article on that dog.
  7. mate if u listen to what ur getting told and take it in instead of thinking were all out agaisnt u mate its be tested time and time again for the right result stick to worker to worker and stop fanny about with the brad pitts of the dog world :clapper:as for thinking that ur dogs are poddles no one has said that but if u think killing a possem above ground makes a working terrier u should listen instead of barking up the wrong tree I am not accusing anyone of anything. I am happy with my dogs and I am sure you are happy with yours. Thats all that matters. But no one should claim that sh
  8. I think for the most part it has been a good discussion. I think both sides of the issue have brought up good points. But there are too many people to think as a show bred terrier as a poodles equivalent in the field
  9. wilf do you know fo any pritty dogs for sale mate im fed up of my none spanable working types not winning the shows that black pup u have there rio is a real looker yes but he wont win shows he has a bad mouth With all of these instances of a show terrier couldnt work I bet you could come up with working bred dogs that couldnt perform either.
  10. I think it is safe to say that a show type terrier has more hunting instinct than a king charles spaniel or a shi tzu. They cannot be compared. And while a shi tzu may try to chase a squirrel it will not be under my shed fighting tooth and nail with a oppossum or raccoon. A shi tzu doesnt have the dentition of a terrier, wont lock down like a terrier and will give up unlike a terrier. Anyone that would say that a show bred lakeland terrier is equivalent to a king charles spaniel or a shi tzu has not been around a show bred lakeland or has seen what is not the norm.
  11. Now if you have workers and you bred them for looks how is all that talent going to be diluted. Your not crossbreeding these dogs too poodles but to other "working" terriers that have a trait you are looking for. Now granted if you breed worker to worker generation after generation you will get a higher percentage of workers than say those show dogs. But you can't even claim that the show bred terriers dont have the traits that their ancestors had. Where in gods name would those genes gone? Those genes are still there maybe not in the abundance than the working dogs but they are there, its
  12. I wasnt looking for a show dog that looked like a lamb with that ridiculous haircut. I thought maybe someone breeds a more traditional older type bedlington with out out crossing. To me a outcross is a mutt or a type.
  13. I am impressed by some of these working type bedlingtons which are a far cry from the poodle like dogs I see at the shows. I would like to know how hard is it to find a purebred no outcross bedlington terrier? I see Rillington bloodlines being brought up alot but thats over in England. I am not interested in any crossbreeding. Also the coats on these dogs, How often do they need to be clipped? Any other info would be appreciated.
  14. Hey everyone I am new here but have owned 3 showtype lakelands. I have been browsing this site for a while and I see that a lot of you dont have any faith in kennel club bred dogs working capabilities. Now I am playing devils advocate so lets keep this civil. I understand the case made for working bred dogs and I agree if you breed workers you should get workers its common sense and genetics. Now from my experience my Kennel club Lakelands have a lot of drive and instinct. I never saw their suitability as a earthdog but I have seen them kill many oppossumm, squirells I have one that u
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