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Everything posted by Mish

  1. looks like it could be the last chance to qualify for the midland game fair
  2. Just a reminder, this coming sundays terrier and lurcher show, and HH open day at the kennels, judging starts at 12
  3. Sorry to hear that, hopefully you can sort the day off
  4. Confirmed today, the show is also a Countrymans Weekly qualifier, last chance to qualify for the Midland Game Fair to be held two weeks later.
  5. Just had confirmation that it will be an Earthdog Qualifier (2012) for all types
  6. The HH Terrier & Lurcher Show will be taking place on August 28th (SO24 0EG) Ringside parking and plenty of stalls (army surplus, dog supplies to name a few) Donation on the gate, good prizes and rossettes to 4th place Always a good turn out and good numbers in working classes Kennel and Stable tours throughout the afternoon Catered for the whole family, bouncy castle, sweets and stalls for the ladies Gates open from 11, classes start at 12
  7. Hi, just seen your post, bin away a while. Did your box sell ??
  9. Nice one. Your doing the right thing mate, give him a bit longer, they're all different ! I'm sure he'll reward your patience if you think he's got promise. Good Luck
  10. Two crackers there mate, got two border x lakes myself, both work their socks off every time they're out and I'm sure yours will do the same. Good Luck
  11. Best couples out ! If your gonna get some I'd recommend getting the add on quick release clips too. You can keep the collars on the dog then, makes things a bit easier.
  12. First of all, Happy Birthday Mate. Hope you've had a nice easy day. Great read, bang on that and looking forward to the next one. All the best for 07 and the rest of this season Mate
  13. Yeh pump, working some border x lakes at the mo and one pat x lake. Hearts of gold too, border x lakes took a while to come on but my patience is being rewarded now. Got a very simular looking bitch to JODY's Olly actually, she's been doing the biz couple of seasons now. Also kept her litter brother back too and he's doing well n'all. So be patient JODY and the work will come. Nice dogs there
  14. Sorry there pump ! I should of called it a garden spade perhaps, not a shovel !!!!!!! Nice dogs though !
  15. That shovel looks like its seen some action, nice and shiny ! or is it a new one ?? Nice dogs there
  16. Nice one, good read that. Keep the reports coming, nice to see how its done in other countries.
  17. Nice one, best hour of the night i bet !!
  18. nice close up pics there mate, nice one.
  19. Not sure if you can get to it from this link ???? http://www.lancenich.f9.co.uk/Humane%20Killer.htm
  20. Hi lads, many thanks for all your info. Not on the net at the mo as we've recently moved and its taking BLOODY AGES to get back on-line hence me not replying !!! I probably didn't explain my self properly on my first post. Its a .32 calibre pistol type humane killer I'm after and I intend on traveling to purchase one. I've got my FAC and want one for the terrier job. The captive bolt method isn't very clever when it comes to sorting your quarry !!!! I'll try and find a pic of the killer I'm after. Thanks again lads
  21. BET HE'S A LABOUR VOTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. nice looking pup there mate and showing promise all ready being forward and not fased by the fireworks. All the best.
  23. Nice one mate, proppa way to spend a saturday morning. nice looking dogs too.
  24. MMMMMMMMM, not sure on the p+p ??? I guess if they need to see my FAC I'll need to go fetch it so not sure why they've stated p+p ???
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