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Everything posted by countrycommando89

  1. removed it. abit ramboish i know. why whats up with it
  2. just wanted to know if anybody has got an s400 classic. was hoping that you could add me and maybe help me modding it and help me with any problems i have. new to the game so would be deeply appreciated.
  3. i agree my dogs are alot easier to handle once they have had a good play then they arent as high as a hippy in a helicopter
  4. time of year didnt cross my mind for which i apologize to all to die hards. i think i will take it to gun shop near me and get it checked out and check my options. thanks for the advice its my first post and i am impressed and with the amount and quality of the replies. i do know the season thing is important and will think about it text time i see a cheeky little pheasent fecker sat in the tree like billyo grinnin at me
  5. seriously thinking about gettin a multi shot changer on my air arms s400. wanted to know if anybody has one and what they think of it and what price i should be paying for one.
  6. last night i went out with my new air rifle, it wasnt too long before i had shot a couple of wood pigeon the problem was i couldnt find them in the scrub for love nor money. so i thought i could go and get my dog and she would get em out, which she did but also felt obliged to eat half of the dam things before i go to them. sally my dog is a whippet staff cross, shes quite obedient and learns pretty well but when it comes to things such as other animals i just cant call her off a scent or a chase and if she catches something get it off her before she eats it. she is now about three is there a
  7. now i know that i shouldnt go for the shot if it is not a head shot but i think im quite keen and just need to be more reserved. thanks for the advice. say i do take it to a gunsmiths and get it powered right up i know i will need a license but does it mean i will also need a gun cabinet and all that jazz. may sound like a daft question but just unsure
  8. hey Ben here. recently purchased a airarms s400, rely like it deadly accurate just not deadly powerful, well with pheasants. i have been out the last couple of nights and hit about 2 or 3 and not brought them down. im all for humanely hunting but it has been too dark to go for head shots. so two questions rely does anybody know how to bring the power up slightly on and s400 and whats the best way to go about shooting pheasants. ps. im not taking anymore shots that arent head shots, i just bottle it for the sake of missing and scaring it. oh and does anybody know the effective range on this
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