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Everything posted by countrycommando89

  1. just sounded like alot. i miscalculated a wee bit.
  2. talking to a guy yesterday who works for the dear conservation trust. i got talking to him about hunting and he said he has a BSA super 10. he said its the best gun he has ever had and drops rabbits at 40 meters YES METERS. I said do you not mean yards. i asked if it was FAC and he said no, bob on 12ft/lbs. does this sound like bollox to anybody else
  3. thanks alot. not harsh it was just a thought. i couldnt get it zeroed i thought it was the scope. so by the sounds of it is the gun just not firing straight. ill let my mate sort it out. i think he is going to buy a gamo 100. still not that great but a sling shot is an improvement from an smk
  4. i have mentioned on another post about a mate of mine who recently purchased an smk b2. the thing is dieseling, has a stiff as f*ck trigger and sounds like a rimfire. pile of shizen. i told him to send it back to wherever he bought it and invest in a better gun (still pretty standard but decent enough). my brother has been looking to get into air rifleing and i just mentioned to him about buying the gun off the lad maybe sticking a gas ram in it. giving it a full service and clean out. 1. would this be a cost effective idea 2. would it be worth while or am i just trying to polish a te
  5. good call sean. yeh you may aswell just pump the gun up from the stirrup. why didnt i think of that
  6. theres a hell of a lot more than 200 bar in a bottle though (isnt there????) im guessing that your pump handle and shaft would go ballistic. i dont think the return valve could handle the flow.
  7. if you where trying to keep it topped up you would have to fight the air coming out of the dive bottle. would probably blow up your stirrup pump.
  8. its not much cop anyway. iv told him to send it back wherever he got it as it hasnt been looked after by whomever originally had it. think he is investing in a gamo 1000. he had a go of my s400 yesterday and was drooling all over it. its a bit better than his smk b2
  9. i meant what can dieseling do to the gun. i never shoot a gun without a pellet i just was wondering whether it had anything to do with the cheap pellets he was using.(SMK again)
  10. he gave it me to zero the sights. i then noticed white smoke coming out of the barrel. i wondered why it was doing it so i tried it without a pellet just to see.will this wreck the gun. how do you solve it. i know its a bit of a naf gun but the lad is keen and trying to get into the whole shooting thing. iv never had this problem with any of my guns before
  11. there is white smoke coming out of my mates air rifle (smk b2) when it is fired. what is causing this. there does not have to be a pellet in it for it to happen. is this dieseling, what is is dieseling
  12. iv heard that they generally know what is going on but use it as practise. lets face it these guys dont get upto much. it nearly happened to me and my bro once we where on a quick maggie shoot in heyshem. anyway as we were walking over to the spot i was planning to lie up some busy body popped her old head over the fence and asked who had give us permission. we gladly give the name of the farmer ,no problem. as we were walking away i asked my bro to look back to see if she was still rubber necking. when i turned to look at him he was looking through the scopes of his webley exocet going "oh y
  13. i know his trouble because i was with him. some times the gun was placing pellet on pellet then it would spaz out in all different directions. i tightened the scope mounts to make sure there was no play there. probably due to the scope. keep in mind this is a setup for a beginner.
  14. what do you do with all them rabbits.
  15. so you can taste it instead haha. well done btw to the poster keep at it
  16. you most likely opened the guts when you stuck the knife in. there are some vids on youtube.com about gutting. DONT CUT THE INTESTINES FOR GOD SAKE MAN. you will only do it once. or i watched a vid where you stick the blade in dont give a worry about piercing the guts, give a big old slice right down the beast. then grab its legs and give it a good firm lash and all the guts should fly out in one foul swoop
  17. my s400 was out the box at 9.9ft lbs. got it put up to 11.3. sent it back to the shop i bought it from and said it is no use to me at this power so he sent it away to air arms and got it powered up a lilttle. its now the dogs bolox for hunting. air arms will do it free btw. if you try and get it done at the local gunny he will probs not bother as there is a anti tamper on them these days. is it a new gun?
  18. so how far can a heavier pellet bump your chrono reading up.
  19. well i can safely say i did not fall victim as the first air rifle i purchased was an s400. this is a mate of mine from college who found out i was a bit of a keen shooter and got hold of me to help him out. i know SMK are a pile of sh*te. funny you should say that the trigger would be rock solid as he describes it to be at the other end of the spectrum and is extremely light. should be interesting to see what i will have a look at him for it.
  20. mate of mine has,or is, purchasing an SMK winchester custom and is looking me to zero his sights and what not. was just wondering what kind of a "custom" winchester do to the gun. and is it any good. dont know the specific model.dont think he does just wondering if anybody knows anything about them. all i know for know that it is a springer
  21. my s400 was shooting at 9.9 but i have a suspicion this is what it was shooting out of the box. got it back to airarms and they stuck it up to 11.3
  22. can you get the s400 with a side lever
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