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Everything posted by pritch

  1. next to the can of coke
  2. good post that andy, pups are lookin well,keep out of that bothie their for serious walkers only
  3. done, i think it's a 100,000
  4. get it's obedience right before you start thinkin about hunting
  5. we court them for their oil & money same as always,they didn,t go rushing into sudan where millions died in the genocide WHY?no oil or money, no profit in it for the banks who run our countries
  6. pritch


    i do it when i go back to liverpool
  7. over 40.000 in two year & only 1,700 with problems thats a better ratio than the NHS
  8. there is no such thing as democacy, around 90% of people are i favour of the death penalty yet we did away with it around 50 years ago so hows that democratic lol where the hell did you get that percentage mate. in the pup where else would you do a poll
  9. there is no such thing as democacy, around 90% of people are i favour of the death penalty yet we did away with it around 50 years ago so hows that democratic
  10. they are serveing the british interrests top 5 or 10% the money same as they always have they don't gi 2 shits about the likes of us & the sooner people realize this the sooner the country will head in the right direction frightend to death of losing middle eastern money so let the muslim radicals get away wi murderit would mean little to the likes of us but the big time share holders would shit a brick & thats wo this country is run for no one else [nik b said] A lot of people will never vote UKIP, obviously immigrants and lefties you forgot those with an IQ higher than a
  11. too f****n true mate, cops already makin excuses, don'tn know if it's racial ffs if your walkin down a street & are suddenly surrounded for no other reason than your a different colour,it's racial end of
  12. i was wondering why the bull x lads were out in force what before 11 on a sunday morning, those that where up would have been at church
  13. years ago a lion got out on to cantral farm & the kids eat it
  14. heard this on the radio & nearly f****n choked anyone passin me on the moterway would of thowt i was nuts rantin to myself in the car. ffs it ain't even 2 month a child he'll do 1/2 so i hope he gets kicked to feck every day.the cnut should of rotted in there for the rest of his natural.don't know why they feckin botherd,it's a feckin discrace
  15. would of been better if it was, an i hate rugby union lol
  16. as you say, there's some queer folk down there D lol
  17. same old shite people have said since enochs rivers of blood speech & the same folk screamin on here what should be done but what are they doin feck all on here spoutin about ukip ffs gi your self a shake
  18. was that the mad one pritch yep,a lovely bitcth but out in the field totally crackers
  19. Not short sighted pal, very very far sighted!!!! I understand what you are saying gnasher but nigel farage has done his homework, ukip know the forces they are up against and how massive resources will be turned against them. Unfortunately many patriotic people get so angry and frustrated with things like mass immigration that they let their mouth run away with them, a few videos of that type of person used well in the media could destroy ukip. UKIP is our great green countries last hope and anybody who is in anyway patriotic needs to get behind them in anyway way they can and not be o
  20. looks like the larkins place lol,love the pics pmsl at the 7 th one down looks like one of them hens gave her a bit of a shock
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