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Everything posted by pritch

  1. a lot depends on the land you hunt / type of hunting you do, the bigger dog will sight stuff better on uneven or rough ground being taller the smaller lighter dog should turn better be better around hedges & brash. personally i think 23" tts give or take an inch is a happy medium for a rabbit dog to be able to lamp ferret & mooch about.ATB Pritch
  2. most people do this as a hobby therefore it should be fun & relaxing,now while iagree you should always try to improve yourself & your stock but enjoy it.it ain't all about numbers or havin the best dog, only one man can have the best dog the rest of us just have to get on with it & make the best of it we can
  3. probably the best post i've ever seen on this site, everything nowadays is turning into the xfactor life is becoming a compatition'everyone's got to have the best,the latest of everything. few are satisfied with what they've got.i'm not saying you shouldn't try to improve but it shouldn't be the be all & end all, just take a minute & enjoy what you've got.ATB Pritch
  4. great boot i've got a pair like rigger boot light,waterproof & comfi as
  5. mate mine is a collie/grey which usually mature quite quick but he's over 27 months & still would run like a loon & even worse has just torn the ligerments to his toe so is on lead exercise so is like a coiled spring at the moment, feck it's hard work
  6. brains has nowt to do with it some dogs mature faster than others even litter mates mature at different rates big dogs as rule tend to mature slower than small dogs but nowti s eritten in stone try turning it to your advantage use it in his training making games of it there isn't owt you can do they mature when they mature and 8 months is still young so he is still a pup & isn't slow a pup who is mature at that age has matured exceptionly quick. 10 months to 2 1/2 years
  7. sound advise mate the pups don't look that old so to be gettin rid of the bitch, must of been some bitch eh to get shut soon as the pups are weaned.as you say £40 is nowt but the time you put in is, might as well edge your bets and try an get summet you can find out a bit about
  8. sound matey hope it all turns out right for you and he was just a bit off that day
  9. i recently seen a couple of this cross run both where spot on the male a strong bull headed dog probably most of all as he wasn't all up and at em as i would have thought but ran really well if he overshot the rabbit he new where it was headin he just slowed down let it catch up and took it asit overtook him again was great to watch & not what i expected from this bully lookin dog the bitch was more full on but not daft or owt both took all quarry & while not the fastest of dogs easily fast enough
  10. the last post was to coursing man, look mate if your a parra your gonna be a fit lad if the dog ain't lame or showin any ill effects from that day take it runnin wi you every day and time off the lead to strenthen it's joints run it on rabbits build up to other stuff as a parra one thing you should know about is fitness
  11. best sinario is give the dog to someone who knows what they are doin & when your firearm ban is up shoot your self & do canine kind a big favour. mind you if your shootin skills are owt like your dog skills you'd probabley miss this must be why good dog men say this site is total shite and it because of prices coming out with comments like this !!! what has prices got to do wi owt lol aye but if the price is right let look at the facts he took an unfit dog ran it for 4 minutes now lets say it averaged 30 mph wich is a speed a fit collie can easy obtain it would have run 2 miles
  12. yes she can you could get a litter with pups from both sires
  13. best sinario is give the dog to someone who knows what they are doin & when your firearm ban is up shoot your self & do canine kind a big favour. mind you if your shootin skills are owt like your dog skills you'd probabley miss
  14. is there any tracks in cornwall if so contact them for the track vet
  15. maybe that branch of the line is gettin to close & needs a bit of new blood to spice things up just have to see how the rest of the litter shapes up.one bad apple don't mean the whole barrel is rotten.this lads seems to be doin fine
  16. how does turnin the lamp off make a dog panic shut the f**k up you prick
  17. well at £6.50 it's shite, same as an edition of the countrymans with less adverts & seein as the adverts are the best bit in the countrymans it don't say a lot for the warren
  18. got mine today all i can say is your easily pleased
  19. well the good news is the dog is back home, a big thanks to the folk at dog lost for there help and to everyone who even looked twice at dog to see if it was jess ATB Pritch
  20. she's not mine mate it's a mate of a mate who don't use the sites so i put em on for him cheers
  21. jess. the blue bitch was lost on wednesday night wile out lamping in cornwall she stands at 21inchs she looks like a very strong whippet but is a cross please pm me any info thanks.Pritch
  22. he's a messer & knows fook all lol

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