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Everything posted by pritch

  1. i remember when the £ coins 1st come out half pissed orders a pint hands over a tenner barman comes back throws a load o slummy in me hand & is walkin off & i'm after draggin the c**t over the bar thinkin he's gi me the change for a quid,when he points out that they had no fivers & he's give 1£ coins in the crappy light & half cut i'd thowt they where the owd 5p coins
  2. pritch


    actually he got an 8 match ban double the terry ban, when you would think having made a statement with such a punishment any later infringement would at least be as harsh if not harsher to reiterate that such behavior will not be tolerated but no coz terry's english & an england player he gets a lesser fine defoe bit mascherano (spelling) he was booked, end of story suarez 10 match ban,so who are the real racists & who have they punished here,suarez gets a long summer break he'll still be payed as they can only fined a player 2 weeks wages any more voids there contract & allow
  3. stuff like this usually rears it's head when having been made to look a fool in an argument/ discussion & at a loss for anything to say of any reason or logic revert to type by making ridiculous comments like small children they think having the last word,means they've won no matter how stupid the comment makes them look.sad really.
  4. look lets be right here no doubt in some industries qualifications matter,especially if your not a manual worker but nowt stands you like experience as the police force has found out to it's cost by recruting mid & upper management from backgrounds other than policing, moral is at an all time low coppers are jumping ship taking with them all there experience leaving accountants running the shop.i'm in my 50's & in my time in various industries have worked with folk with qualifications coming out there ears & most (not all ) wern't worth a wank just coz you've got the theory do
  5. pritch


    sadly what wilf says is true & it is only going to get worse as the money goes up next season personally i think it's been blown out of all proportion if there had been a mark when ibronisivich rolled his sleeve up the ref would have had to have taken some action & while i'm not defending his action there is far worse things gone on kean admitted tryin to end one mons carrier & nearly did then hartson kicked his team mate in the head in training ffs what i'm sayin is the red mist some times gets the better of you & if liverpool put him up foresale chelsea would be in a lon
  6. it's ok malt will ban him for the weekend
  7. where's the money coming from, teachers will want compensating for longer hours plus caretakers, ground staff higher bills, more wear & tear ect they can,t pay for what their doing now
  8. I think jealousy has to be the most repulsive trait there is..................id love to see you,me......and all your pals living in wealth........what possible reason do people become jealous for its such an ugly trait to a persons character. yeh it ain't a nice trait but no where near as bad as greed ALL the business owners that pay low wages knowing they will be topped up by the state, while they pay themselves massive wages thus being subsidized indirectly the same moaning about how the mines & such where subsidized,i don't wish for people not to do well or think those at the top
  9. There are far more working class people than middle and upper class put together,so how has it not been possible to get a goverment that represents the majority?.Its my kids who i despair for,my two lads are in the forces and both have been threatened with redundancy.My two daughters are in university one learning to be a social worker and the other studying to be a school teacher.I know of university graduates that cant get a job and have to work behind a bar,or do telesales,or even both.Thats not their fault they would love to do the job that they went to 6th form for,then 4 years at univers
  10. Fair do,s mate then your opinion holds value and is certainly worth listening to........ If its a toss up between taking advice on fishing from a painter and decorator or an ex fisherman its not a difficult decision who you listen to is it .................Thats my point gnash that only holds true if your asking how to catch a fish,that painter could walk down the river & see the river is fooked,just as anyone can walk through some of them communities today 20 odd years later & still see all the shops,pubs & near everything else shut down & nowt to replace it & they w
  11. yeh coz that worked for the ban on hunting,i'm in no way advocating riots but waving banners & marching achieves nowt as was proved in london with 400,000 marching
  12. now if ever someone deserved a funeral at the tax payers expense. at least she can rest in peace knowing people now know the truth RIP Anne
  13. Where did I say he was Pm einstein ?. oh so your blaming him & his cronies for summet that had nowt to do wi him as he was never in power to implement any of his policies good or bad & what the f**k as he or anyone else got to do wi maggy being a horrible cnut the OP asked about thatcher,if you want to start a post about blair crack on,i'll be on that to callin him a b*****d as well
  14. pritch


  15. well obviously not you as kinnock was never PM
  16. respected for her children are you avin a f****n laugh one a reality show contestant & the other is an illegalarms dealer who was involved in trying to overthrow a government if it were your lad he'd be in the big house called a terrorist but coz of who his mam was he's sat in church wi the PM ffs if you can't see owt wrong in that your beyond help.there's a sayin round here "you can talk to a mon wi a wooden leg but not a wooden head That's just it, I used to have a wooden head and accepted what everyone else wanted me to think, before I learnt to think for myself. The facts are un
  17. so why work there then no one forced you to work there,plenty people wanted/needed them jobs,& if you did alright i would say fair play but tens if not hundreds of thousands didn't.you sound like one of thatchers children a right selfish cnut,just coz you are ok f**k them that aren't In the late 70s early 80s I went to london to march to save nurses job and get better pay for them, I went on every march to save the pits, I worked in a pit that was 100% rock solid behind the strike, what I and others did during the strike could have had us jailed for years, everything Scargill said a
  18. so why work there then no one forced you to work there,plenty people wanted/needed them jobs,& if you did alright i would say fair play but tens if not hundreds of thousands didn't.you sound like one of thatchers children a right selfish cnut,just coz you are ok f**k them that aren't In the late 70s early 80s I went to london to march to save nurses job and get better pay for them, I went on every march to save the pits, I worked in a pit that was 100% rock solid behind the strike, what I and others did during the strike could have had us jailed for years, everything Scargill said a
  19. respected for her children are you avin a f****n laugh one a reality show contestant & the other is an illegal arms dealer who was involved in trying to overthrow a government if it were your lad he'd be in the big house called a terrorist but coz of who his mam was he's sat in church wi the PM ffs if you can't see owt wrong in that your beyond help.there's a sayin round here "you can talk to a mon wi a wooden leg but not a wooden head
  20. so why work there then no one forced you to work there,plenty people wanted/needed them jobs,& if you did alright i would say fair play but tens if not hundreds of thousands didn't.you sound like one of thatchers children a right selfish cnut,just coz you are ok f**k them that aren't
  21. it ain't gonna happen respect is earned & she'll get as much off me as she showed me & my kind which was none. DING DONG
  22. there is vids on you tube showing you how its done
  23. yeh it might be feck all compared to overall goverment spending but how much stuff would it buy for schools or drugs to that the nhs won't prescribe as there to expensive how many hospitals are closing for less than the £10 million cost if it saved 1 life it's better spent than spent on the deadbut to waste it on that witch is just takin the pish
  24. surprised she didn't instantaneously combust as soon as the coffin cross onto holy ground. glad it;s over, good riddens to bad rubbish
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