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Everything posted by venomviper

  1. hi ya gary hahahahaha lol now you know how i feel cracking shooting though to your little girl matey she must have her dads shooting eye buddy and carry on little missy good shooting and give your dad a run for him money or shall i dare say his aa s510 hahahahaha to the new marksman in the family and we want to see more post of how your little girl is getting on to buddy. and i take it your been playing all day then gary ? dont blame ya at all i so going to go out in the morning but it just started to snow here so i aint happy but it might just turn to rain lets hope hey. shay
  2. hahahaha thats so true cant blame him though can you nice bit of kits his got himself. i wonder if gary will share ? shay
  3. gary forgot to say are you going to able to sleep tonight ? gun gun gun lol you will be up at the crack of dawn lol waiting for the post man lol shay
  4. hi ya gary oh and whick exact where they was they the express 1's ? as there is loads of them to look at lol shay
  5. hi ya gary cheers for that i spoke to the bloke how had the gun and he was using hobby's ? but do you know what weight the jsb exact come in at ? as i like the bisley mags but for my pcp's and my s400 loves them but they seem a bit heavy for the tx buddy regards shay
  6. hi ya si i agree buddy has it will help people and its good to see and read about how it all works regards shay
  7. hi ya gary just a quick question buddy on your prosport what pellet did you find worked better ? i know yours is a 22 and my tx200 is a 177 if you or anyone else could give me a clue on what they find works with there aa 177 tx200 could you let me know as i am off at the weekend to try some pellets through the tx and it will just help save me from buying every pellet possible lol because at the minute i am using bisley mags. thank you buddy shay
  8. hi ya gary lol i bet you dont you will be the first up to play and si will have to put up with you all day jumping around like a kid with a new toy hahahaha well i hope it comes on time matey and you enjoy as much as you want it buddy and dont for get lots of posts and pictures of you and your new gun matey have fun and happy hunting with it regards shay
  9. hi ya buddy could you pm me your out take on the new rifle ie price / handling / is it or aint it worth the money and just as much details on it as possible buddy flbs and so on matey as if this is coming out in march time would it be a more of a target rifle or rough hunting rifle just your thoughts would be good buddy, i work the doors in coventry as well not to bad of a place though. and yeah i am jealous as well regards shay
  10. hi ya buddy just watched that and yeah i like it you could say that a lot of work going into it but you could look at carry a bottle or a pump around with you is the same but we all do it i like the thought of the gun but not to keen on the underlever bit but i think if like you said if its like the reat of the webley guns then it will work well my venomviper is still going well i've had that for a good few years now and my raider is still going well be good to see it out in the field though hey lads regards shay venomviper
  11. hi ya buddy good shooting there matey regards venomviper
  12. hi ya chris wow buddy the land looks really nice and i agree with gary matey you will need a 4x4 to carry all your bunnies hummm i have 1 if you want to borrow it i could drive you around only joking buddy glad to see such nice land and a good pair of lads getting it. and yeah lets hope wuzzy stays on here now as it will be nice to see and read your post of the new land great going you 2 regards venomviper
  13. hi ya davy i would like to attend if work permitts buddy if you could send me some details about it i will try and get a couple of days off matey and nathan it's good to see that bringing the airgunners together could be a very good turn out and show people that we are not just fluffy bunny killers and cold hearted people that some people think we are but if possible we can help and i think it will give people a good positive outlook on airgunners and like everyone said be nice to see the people face to face and have a good chat. regards shay
  14. hi ya lads yeah getting excited now not long to wait and well well si you giving up on the pcp all these springers hahaha ? and yeah buddy new lease of life with all the springers i am getting and gas rams to just really got back into shooting them again forgot what it was like to fire a real gun so to speak even down to the recoil on them well if any. and i cant wait to see the new guns in action buddy when do you think you be finished doing the dvd buddy ? really looking forward to sitting down with my lad and watching it matey my tx200hc is doing well beautiful gun to shoot i am out
  15. hi ya lads gary are you getting excited then buddy ? and i am to i get my 2 new theobens 177 .20 cals on [bANNED TEXT]'s next week yay and si hope all is well have you been busy then matey as you haven't been around much and i think we are all missing your youtube videos matey , and you got any pictures of the new and refurbed gun buddy i cant wait to see it in action tho. regards shay
  16. hi ya buddy congrats on getting the land matey use will have lot of good days out there happy hunting lads keep us all posted regards venomviper
  17. hi ya buddy i use aa s400 177 hw100t 177 aa s410 logun 22 stealth 22 bsa ultra 177 then springers and gasram true hunter style regards venomviper
  18. hi ya everyone well i have been looking around for a long time to get a nice gun well i came across 2 the other day brand new theobens evo's 177 walnut stock in mint condition and the .20 call with a thumbhole stock and they will be delivered to me on [bANNED TEXT]'s next week both guns are in very good condition just getting a bit excited now as i cant wait to put them through there paces that weekend will get some pictures up as soon as they come i made a good deal with the bloke that had them and he is very happy and so am i they both come with scopes and gun bags as well plus all paper w
  19. hi ya buddy proper good shooting again matey and very helpful to si keep up the good work buddy and hows that gun coming on matey ? regards shay
  20. hi ya buddy nice write up and good shooting matey happy hunting regards venomviper
  21. hi ya buddy good write up and very nice shooting matey plus nice pictures as well regards venomviper
  22. hi ya davey nice shooting and fantastic write up buddy and a nice bit of land to hey matey weldone and happy hunting regards shay
  23. hi ya everyone thank you all for all the fantastic comments me and my son are so very pleased and happy with them as now i dont work weekends we will be spending alot more time together and alot more time hunting so i hope to have alot more pictures and post for everyone to read and see again thak you all very much and my son still has a big grin on his face that will last until next weekend so then he will have another one to take over kindest regards shay and brenden
  24. hi ya davy congrats on that buddy i hope you have loads of fun on your new land happy hunting regards shay
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