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Everything posted by venomviper

  1. hi ya wurz buddy lol yep the same one lol and next week i will be using my falcon fn19 sniper and i have today just got a full shooting rights on a manor near me and if i say you could look in any area for a rabbit and see more than 5 at a time i would be lying buddy you would see around 10 at a time the ground moves with them plus it is 800acres to cracking place as well i got invited by the owner today after a phone call he made to me so i thought i would jump at the chance and now i am jumping with joy the place is great buddy i am off over there tomorrow night after 18:00hrs so i sho
  2. hi ya folks the gun is now sold to dogsbollock58 great bloke to chat to and after the phone call very pleased with the new home she is going to just awaiting payment and the address so she can be sent off thanks for looking lads and for the nice comments to all the best shay
  3. hi ya lads thank you all for the nice comments and your honestly all true gent and like i said the gun is looking old but anyone is more than welcome to pop over the farm and try it steviegeeza i pm'd you my number buddy give me a call please pal shay
  4. hi ya andy good to see you out and about buddy and enjoying it as we all do pal symon pal good to be back hope all is well and thank you for the sp buddy peter pal cheers matey i cant wait to get my falcon fn19 back from a good service now either she is being tune'd and cleaned by a good friend of mine and believe me he does a great job on them to plus all bsa's to his a true star so looking forward to getting her back next week then i'll be out with her on a field test cheers for the comments lads all the best shay
  5. hi ya folks well a bit of bad news came my way this morning so i and putting the feelers out about my 2 guns now one is a hw77k 22 she is looking old and tired but still shoots true to the mark the pictures of the hw77k 22 i said she looks old and tired which is very true but she shoots just fine she would be ideal if some one want to re blue her or spray the action black as there isn't any pitting on her it's just wear on the underlever and barrel were the bluing has worn off i am looking for £130.00 all in on her a simmons 3x9x50 scope leather sling and dampa mount i need th
  6. hi ya buddy glad to be able to get out and about and glad to be able to get back on here to with something i shot or saw but it's just great pal not been upto much to be honest only work and after the car got smashed on the farm we was without one for a good while until i had enough to get another then my brother inlaw got his sister one before i could so it all turned out in the end and i ended up with a little corsa lol but hey it's all good lol hope all is well with you ? shay
  7. hi ya folks here is one for you all well this is how it goes i have been out shooting again now for a few weeks and enjoying every little bit of it even if i dont shoot anything it's the outing that i enjoy ;D well i went out today around the 17.00 mark again after the rabbit that seems to be very fast at getting out of the way of my pellets if i get chance to get with in 40mtrs of him and that is a luck on my side but everytime he gets away without fail until today after txt'in phil on here and telling him about the rabbit it was my day hummmm no i dont think so i had my cam set up my z
  8. hi ya wurz lol buddy you can always give me a bell matey and yeah kind of the new ultra just changed a few things on her i should be getting my falcon back at the end of the month to after a very good service by a friend of mine on another forum did you know they could be reg'd and thank you buddy hope all is good your end matey ? all the best shay
  9. hi ya gary pal great write up and shooting matey as always pal hope all is well gary and i see shannon has been kicking your arse again (shooting wise) lol shay
  10. hi ya buddy cracking shooting there pal i have had one or 2 of them and yeah take some sorting out but great little guns and easy to use good shooting pal shay
  11. hi ya craig and bill yeah we are all good thank you very much and brenden well his grown loads to and shooting better than me as well so that aint to good he tells me on what to do how many mil dot holdover or under lol and i'll try not to be a stranger anymore lol just been getting my head down and getting work out the way to get another car so i could be getting out shooting and nothing stopping me now though and bill buddy you got a new gun s-10 ? nice gun there buddy i do like them but i like the bbk what you think to it buddy ? and great to be back and these going to be a few
  12. hi ya pal i know what you mean i aint had a car to go out anywhere plus working all the time to it's drove me mad lol but nothing stopping me now though lol shay
  13. hi ya buddy if i had the money i would have this off ya would be ideal for the farm i have pal good luck with the sale (IF ANYONE HAS ANY WORRIES ABOUT BUYING FROM THIS SELLER PLEASE DONT HE IS A TOP BLOKE AND TRUE TO HIS WORD AS ALOT OF OTHERS WILL SAY THE SAME ) hope all is well matey ? and i put a hunting trip up in the forum pal now i am mobile shay
  14. hi ya pal hummm yeah bit of a trek buddy lol but the offer is still there though pal and symon its great to be back to pal shay
  15. hi ya darryl pal great write up and shooting buddy hope all is well matey shay
  16. hi ya buddy nice shooting there pal good to see you out to pal and cracking gun good write up as well pal shay
  17. hi ya buddy its great to be out pal and how come you aint been out buddy ? your more than welcome to pop over to me matey and go for a walk and shoot on some of my land pal ? as you can see a few nice looking bunnies are waiting on your say so pal and its good to be back shay
  18. hi ya folks well i'm just so very glad after a long time of not being able to go out shoot well the last few days have been great not shot alot really but god it's great to get out folks so i got a few pictures of me outing and a mate of mine came along to bless him he does try and he is such a nice lad to he also got a nice rabbit the night we went out 1 to my 2 sSig_heeheehee plus the one i got was lased at 39mtrs and my tench reg'd ultra pulled it off great pure head shot and well she was propa dead here is a few pictures and FOLKS IT'S SO NICE TO BE BACK this one 39mtrs the rabbit
  19. great shooting to you both cracking bag of bunnies and a spa for ya to shay
  20. hi ya si pal great vid and shooting as well matey the permission looks great to buddy very nice how long you over for matey ? shay
  21. hi ya wurz lol matey that made me giggle lol and once i am rolling again pal we could have a nice 12g for mr charlie but great write up matey plus a SP to pal shay
  22. hi ya dom pal yeah i'll try to get over soon buddy fingers crossed as soon as i am mobile again i will give ya a txt matey see what your upto pal need to catch up pal and get some good shooting in shay
  23. hi ya mark thanks buddy it's good to be back and out and about buddy and the 410 well buddy to be very honest with ya i cant knock it at all apart from no bead at the end of the silencer so it is very much p.o.a with it but once you get the hang of that these no stopping you they are about the same as a springer in noise level i would say so very good all rounder plus a bonus when your around cattle or any livestock to be honest it didnt even both the horses shay
  24. hi ya si like always buddy fantastic shooting and great pictures matey i'm on the up at the minute buddy a few more weeks and i hope to be mobile again so i might try to get over to see ya matey if that is ok pal great shots and piccy's again si pal shay
  25. hi ya lads thanks for the comments i cant wait to get out again now and cheers ryder pal i will give ya a txt tomorrow matey then i am back at work until friday morning matey then off for 5 days and a bit of shooting wont go a miss lol shay
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