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Everything posted by mush

  1. Like this cross but only trouble i found is they over heat, saluki blood sorted that and made them bit more nimble.
  2. How you doing, you know anyone else who had one off same litter
  3. Seem a keen breed used for alsorts. Also seen some good hard collies on utube working in the USA even killing a coyote.
  4. Anybody keep this cross, 1/2 or 1/4 breds. What they like, do they try harder than borders? Or do they jack like borders lol sorry are they to smart to run just anything that moves.
  5. Mate gave me this book before he died. Is very good book with lots of new and old pics. Also tells you the breeding behind some of the saluki strains, kennels of the English salukis and salukis abroad . Its a very good book that can always be sold again for what you payed for it or more.
  6. If i had a another border collie x it would have to have saluki or bull in with the collie greyhound blood, or all of them
  7. Didnt say they did mate just asking what you class as jacking. if you dont what to say thats fine dont mater to me, be a boring world if we all thought and liked the same.
  8. What do call jacking colliejohn.? , if dog starts to run it should continue at speed no matter how far or if the rabbits sitting next to the hedge, in the small fields here there always near a hedge, a dog that hesitate dont catch your dinner
  9. Best cross i think to put to a collie would be a saluki, get better shape, faster as they wouldn't be so heavy, had a not planned litter of GSD x saluki a lot faster than the greyhound GSD ive seen that looked like starved GSDs , and just as smart. Never tried saluki collie, but would like to but off the right saluki blood then you would get collie crosses that dont pull up
  10. Had a 3/4 collie 1/4 greyhound ran a rabbit daytime and never tried again, unless ferreting and only if they didn't go on to open land. Iet her off lamping and you wouldn't see her again till she had run everything to ground baying like foxhound, she was good at finding hedgehog lol.
  11. What be price from Lincolnshire to Bristol to have a dog transport,?
  12. Very interested in this cross anyone keep them ? Kelpie first cross greyhound
  13. Mol dog nice dog does it have border collie in it?Just wondering where the colour came from.
  14. Nice looking dog . We had some unplanned GSD x saluki and they was a lot more racy looking should think collie cross be the ssme
  15. No you cant you want to read up about it.
  16. And the final of the A class FLYING SCOTSMAN LIGHTENING JACK NUMB NUTS
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