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Everything posted by mush

  1. Good advice, just I would cut down on the walking.
  2. what! who said? First time I seen a ferret on weed.
  3. How's old is it? What you been feeding? Some times it's down to feeding bag food that makes them grow to fast get him on meat. Mostly seen it in big dogs like deerhounds x's.
  4. Think they had enough money off coursing, probably using same money they made off us before the ban to stop coursing.
  5. Seen loads of saluki and cross breds like that, it's impossible get weight on them.
  6. Any first cross galgo saluki been bred yet?
  7. Not seen them advertised much , but ones he had ment to good.
  8. Had one bitch put down after horse smashed her leg, and I keep horses so she was good with them. Cattle will run in to you or rather the ones behind push the ones in front in to you.
  9. Same here a farmer tyied the dog up and shot it. Got very heavy fine. I thought it was just sheep, never heard of dog getting shot for cattle, it's always the cattle chasing the dog and if dogs on lead you can get trampled.
  10. Collie greyhound crosses think to much when on the lamp.
  11. Saluki x collie greyhound for the lamp and collie x greyhound for day time ferreting. you can still get blue eyes lamps.
  12. Trouble is people breeding pures off none workers, And saluki crosses off any old pure bred that probably never seen a hare or was no good, so it's bred off.
  13. How many days was that over? Got a wall eye hasn't it?
  14. was a completely different temperament and fast running style, no rocking horse rubbish
  15. That's a religion Muslim, think one of the best boxer's of all time was Muslim and stung like a bee lol
  16. Out of a import called Negma and a dog called creamcracker.
  17. We did the same in many of ther countrys for hundreds of years.
  18. When I first meet Paul, and he had seen my saluki run he asked to use him, I said yes but he wanted to put breeding restrictions on the pup I wanted for the Mating so in the end I said no.
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