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Everything posted by threbb

  1. I was reading a Plummer book the other day.A chapter on breeding (terriers)was discussing the merits of breeding a bitch in first season.According to Plummer who was mainly a teller of stories I know but nevertheless well read,It is considered a good idea by American breeders because the pelvis is more supple in a young bitch and they can cope with a litter depending on the individual bitch. Now I know from a working dog point of view it is out of the question,but i also always thought it must be bad for the young bitch.Now this chapter got me thinking.Why does nature make the female fertile
  2. I dont think anyone would say that that blue dog is a pitbull terrier.It may look like it has some bull in its makeup but then im sure when you bought it you bought as a mongrel Greyhound. Surely its pitbull that are illegal not mongrels that have simularities. Its not what they look like, even a 1/4 is a strong gene, its what it puts in the dog tha counts.?? LOOKS dont catch+kill. [1/4,3/8,1/2,] its what you want the dog for that counts. BIRD You completly missed the point.He was talking about pitbulls being banned and I was saying t
  3. ill be honest iam no fan of these bull x dogs but i cant knock what ive not had ive seen 1 or 2 work on rabbits but never to much good are they just pure fox dogs or can they account for good bags i meant just bull x greyhound who buys a bull x for rabbiting i asked a simple question timmy plenty people buy bull x for rabbiting or is this a hear we go again snide remarks an all that I seen some good rabbiters with whippet in them.I have a big dog who catch well but he would fall on stamina compared to say a collie cross.Genrally speaking Bulls are up for anything and so
  4. I dont think anyone would say that that blue dog is a pitbull terrier.It may look like it has some bull in its makeup but then im sure when you bought it you bought as a mongrel Greyhound. Surely its pitbull that are illegal not mongrels that have simularities. Its not what they look like, even a 1/4 is a strong gene, its what it puts in the dog tha counts.?? LOOKS dont catch+kill. [1/4,3/8,1/2,] its what you want the dog for that counts. BIRD You completly missed the point.He was talking about pitbulls being banned and I was saying t
  5. Only people who can run faster than the speed of light should run.
  6. I dont think anyone would say that that blue dog is a pitbull terrier.It may look like it has some bull in its makeup but then im sure when you bought it you bought as a mongrel Greyhound. Surely its pitbull that are illegal not mongrels that have simularities.
  7. threbb


    why dont u just walk them? far more stimulating for them why dont you mind youre own f*****g business try e bay but ask about replacement belts as a friend of mine cant get one for his mill now ok thanks
  8. threbb


    why dont u just walk them? far more stimulating for them why dont you mind youre own f*****g business
  9. threbb


    Does anyone know where i could get a good second hand treadmill for Greyhounds?
  10. Walking on hard surface is no good for a pup.Galloping and playing is very neccesary at his age.He should be at least 15months before you run him for work as growth plates are still not set until then.Why dont you look up rearing a Greyhound and read what the pros have to say.If youve got a large running dog you have to do it right or will be hurt for life and you wont neccesarily even know about some of his injuries.
  11. Keep the lamp on the ground after spotting him somewhere inbetween you and him to draw him.If its wind and rain try walking upto him with lamp at the side.When you get closr run the dog down the lamp still at the side and when its really close bring it on to the fox.This can work like a dream or just join the long list of other cock ups.Depends on the night and youre judgement etc.
  12. I have a dog with a dislocated front toe.The vet is trying a pinfire first.If that dont work it will have to come off but I would rather take a back toe off than a front.Its worth trying a pinfire first if you can find a vet that does it.They seem keen to take em off rightaway nowadays.
  13. How can he be proven as a worker at his age.£££££££££££££££££££££££ ITS BLINDING YOU.
  14. I give Feramo made by Vetsearch(Aussies)no offence---its a iron based supplement with vit.C and B12 etc but you only really want it when dogs are working hard later in the season.Has already been said good grub exercise.
  15. electric collar could help but be very careful.When you do it get it right and only do it once or twice at most. Get him out every day and he will come on better.When he comes back let him see he has missed something like a dead rabbit or anything really but dont let him touch it.They hate to miss out.When he goes in any direction you should go the opposite without telling him and never never chase him and dont be in the same place when he gets back from a run.Make him feel insecure for a change.Good luck
  16. make sure if you want it to hunt that you let it discover hunting before you start formal training otherwise you may curb its desire for good.
  17. Have a terrier expecting in one week.Has been fat for weeks but still hasnt baggy tits.Shes in pup to a beagle.Her nips are bigger but no bagging? Ithought she should av a cleavidge by now?
  18. After he has run turn the lamp off and keep quiet and still. He will come back.
  19. Is anyone operating a fox control pack during the week that i might get a day with.Dont mind travel.dont mind getting stuck in.Please pm if you can help.Thanks
  20. Giving veg to dogs is nothing new.In Greyhound kennels veg was always added to the soup which was or still is in some cases used to soak the brown bread in to which the meat is added. Vegtables like leaks and carrots and kale are good for the digestion and bowl.Providing roughage and good bacteria.The soup especially if some meat has been cooked is delicious and a good way to get moisture into a dog.All these things are only good of course provided the biggest part of the meal is flesh.
  21. I dont know what oxytetracycline is.Could you pm me and give some more details cheers
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