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Everything posted by threbb

  1. Who says its a life long commitment.Its his property to do with what he wants. its a dog not a pair of shoes. there aint much gets past you. How many dogs have you sold on when you couldn't get the best out of them then Threb? Thats a silly question.I think you are just aiming to score points but your easy to ignore so i will. So you ignored my post by answering it? My Mrs does that in an argument. You must be the only two people on earth who ignore people by answering them! Nice one.Well its getting away from the origional post from someone just being honest about the do
  2. Who says its a life long commitment.Its his property to do with what he wants. its a dog not a pair of shoes. there aint much gets past you. How many dogs have you sold on when you couldn't get the best out of them then Threb? Thats a silly question.I think you are just aiming to score points but your easy to ignore so i will.
  3. Who says its a life long commitment.Its his property to do with what he wants. its a dog not a pair of shoes. there aint much gets past you.
  4. People nowadays talk like animal rights people.A working dog is stock.So if it aint what you want you just get rid of it hopefully to a good home.If you cant do that then put it to sleep.Dogs are not people even though people now call pups girls and boys they are not.They deserve a good life but not at the expence of the owner.If a dog doesnt work to my satisfaction or is nervous and scatty or i just dont like it I get rid of it and i dont tell lies about it just like this lad isnt.Just like horses cattle sheep and pigeons they can change home frequently and not be worried at all.Why would yo
  5. What a patronizing load of bollocks.Why dont you go and put kettle on. This is mens business.
  6. Who says its a life long commitment.Its his property to do with what he wants.
  7. With dogs its a waste of time.Ive tried it.Leave it to the gadget gun men.
  8. Its simple.The answer comes down to sums.When one anti drops dead thats one less anti which is a good thing. If he drops dead early in life thats even better because he has done less damage.
  9. 5 billion says Ricky Hatton will win.
  10. look on this...www.timetoconsider.co.uk and vote. I just saw it on moochers
  11. Pole saw as new.cost over 500 will accept 300. been used for less than 2 hours. west mids
  12. Sorry i meant the black dog that sired Nugget.
  13. Hi lads just 2 put the record straight that joe smith never bred nugget she was bred in wales out of a greyhound bitch and a well known and used black dog which alot of the bull cross lurchers could be traced back 2..... What was the black dog called?
  14. thats looks like johnny grehans strain.
  15. so your pups are interbread then if sire and dam are both of off gimp well your profile says it all mate... you cant spell the name of the place youre from and you have a saluki greyhound first cross with a bit of bull in it!!! dont comment if you dont know what youre talking about pmsl!!! line breeding is a commonly used thing in breeding a line of dog.. it only becomes inbreeding when the lines are bred way to closely.. or two often and faults occur! brother to sister breeding is a no no father to son mother to daughter can be used once but generally no more than that! I thought it w
  16. Dogs dont get better when they get old they just get old.They should have learned all the tricks by there prime.One thing my old bitch did learn to do better was pass bad wind silently but thats enough about the wife.
  17. Hi guys.Try kicking him in the bracket.It works for me every time.Its a bit cold for going out at the moment otherwise id be mincing all the way down to you.
  18. Have you had a curry lately or are you a veggie?
  19. Have you got the shakes or do you just like repeating yourself. Its only you who say they are chewed up. I just assumed they had cut themselves on brambles while working cover.Its the rspca who are the dicks you should try to remember that.
  20. Hi Nino, My questions would be: what do you consider the best? The one that breeds the most working dogs? The on that breeds few, but quality dogs? Big breeders? Those that besides working they sldo show their dogs with success? I would visit: Eddie and Jane Chapman (Foxwarren), Mick Kemmish, Don Campbell (East Essex), Geoff Burnhill (Paxton), Bob Clough (Pengelli), Greg Mousley (Meynell), Ken Gould and Colin and Julie Bright (Foxcombevale). There are sure more that are worth a nice visit, but are no more on my mind at the moment. I wish you a pleasant ju
  21. I know fairgame thru my brother and hes none of them things, hes just a straight talking bloke who knows what hes seen and knows what he wants, a lot of people dont like to hear the truth on these sites well thats what you get with fairgame he tells it like he sees it but to say that they're all crap i never seen a good one of them Thats what you believe and you said it staight and been prepared to have youre mind changed by living proof.Im suprised only one took you up.Or am I?
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