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Everything posted by threbb

  1. 4 years ago! Do you think its time to move on? Hancox has probably bred a thousand pups since then.
  2. The ban is already dead in the water mate.Police chiefs have been told not to pursue it and to be very cautious about anti evidence since huntsman Tony Wrights appeal was succesful.Intent has now to be proved which is just too tricky.I think the CPS would be very cautious about any further prosicutions.Wins in the appeal court are very embarassing for all concerned.
  3. Why do they have to be working homes? working breeds should be worked I understand your opinion im asking you why you think that is right.
  4. A shop where jokes are sold.
  5. Why do they have to be working homes?
  6. If you want to breed for your own use is there not a case for destroying the surplus if you cant place them with people you know?
  7. there was a few dogs advertised every week in the exchange and mart, but I firmly believe that 95% of them were of working parents, were as today they are breeding only for cash, you only need to go round the local dog pounds and you will always see a couple of lurchers there, in the 60s and 70s there were very few lurchers to be found in the dog pound, A few.I must have been reading a diffrent one to you I think.
  8. Hunting people are mostly twats on horseback who think little of terriers and lurchers.They only look to people like us when they are in the shit otherwise do you think they would organise a march to save lurcher and terrier work? We all need to let the C/A know that we will only accept all or nothing.Remember it was the BASC who saved terrier work last time not the C/A .A well known sausage dog breeder when he was a huntsman called terriers a neccesary evil,and thats how most of them think so beware.
  9. IMHO it will never go back to the way it was and rather find a difficult middle way which they tried and is unworkable they'll ban it altogether ..why because its easier that way Have you ever thought of being a bit more positive.I did once but it turned out to be shit.
  10. Why do people hide behind farmers and keepers.At least have some balls and say you are a fair weather man and you dont have the brain not to run dogs in warm weather and on hard ground.If rabbits have to be killed in summer its best left to the rifle heros because they dont get out much in winter.
  11. Some folks cant help showing orf and taking pictures to brag with. These are known as Master Baiters and they are the most dangerous of all the Baiters or diggers as some like to be called.If you would like to take a masters degree dont delay get a camera today!AND YOU TO COULD BE ON THE FRONT PAGE OF YOUR LOCAL PAPER.
  12. ive got a saluki/bull/greyhound bitch, ... shes a lot bigger built than the dog pictured , and on the lamp shes as good as anything, she can kill twice as fast as him but does that mean she,s been tested ............. no !!! she,s got a good technique thats all ! ....... like i said ..... to get up and carry on and finish the job ........ thats testing . I agree with you there but really both qualities are needed.A good hunting dog should dominate its quarry with style and not need to fight it too long.A dog does impress when it wont give up trying but a really good dog doesnt have to try tha
  13. looking for a 28 o/u and a mirouku skeet with 26inch barrells in good condition.
  14. I agree with that.dead on.Its a shame some shit dogs are sold in the name of good ones.
  15. I agree with what your saying but there is nothing intrinsicley wrong with breeding your own line. Several things need to be in place first, first and foremost the dogs need to have been proven before being bred. They may not be what you are aiming for in the long run but they must be able to produce useful dogs. Your goal is to produce one or two you will keep but just as importantly you must plan for homes for all the other pups you will produce. I am developing my own line here in the US simply because no one breeds what I want. I still waited nine years between litters. Once I had custo
  16. you shouldnt have any trouble selling the boys and girls from that litter.I just wish I had the room and ive just been made redundant and my partners having a baby and ive lost all my permission since the ban bla bla
  17. only hunting i do in the bog is for the paper because im too tight to put a bulb in.
  18. I thought chance was a dog aswell
  19. I should think you are looking for bitches from the same family or at least with punch blood so you are line breeding back to that blood.A bitch by youre dogs sire to a diffrent dam or even his own litter sister but if you just outcross to any strong bitch you will be diluting not keeping the blood.atb
  20. Its his full time living producing puppies.He is an actual puppy farmer. Mind you my mate has one and it does everything he asks of it. He asked it to run like a pig.Catch the occasional rabbit (mxy) and yap at anything with sharp teeth.I cant believe old hand cock is still getting away with it.
  21. Dont want to sound rude but you sound like you are discibing a pet not a working dog.Terriers are usually used in lurcher make up to add gameness and a tall pain barrier.The terrier in question is the kerry blue which your dog has in its make up SO is it game and can it take the pain? I suspect you havnt tested it in that respect and thats fine but that is what is being discussed here and what the origional questioner wants to know-- I think
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