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Everything posted by threbb

  1. Thanks for that information and youre honesty. I had thought about that type of cross myself but it would take a wrench to pull me away from the apb cross greyhound because it has done so much to prove itself over the years and it seems to click with the greyhound. Theres nothing like getting a honest opinion from someone whos been there and done it.
  2. this dog is 1/2 scott and about 20% greyhound he is off the alaunt breeding program and can run When you say it can run do you mean it could compete against a typical quarter bull 3quarter grey or a greyhound whippet or any typical lurcher shape because i would find that hard to believe.Its got all the wieght round the front and the shoulders look a bit straight for sustained running. no offence.
  3. If you are ever accused you should be very willing to explain the circumstances fully to the police ONCE YOU HAVE SPOKEN TO YOURE BRIEF who will presumably be one of those hunty lawyers(i keep there number on my phone)or any brief is better than non.The main reason for this is that they have to hand over to him all the evidence they have at that time.Did you read about the bloke who denied even seeing a badger whilst out lamping that night with his child. What he didnt know was that his daughter had video evidence on her phone whilst out lamping to the contrary which of course proved him a lia
  4. thats because you are thick.
  5. I seen one have a heart attack once at the end of a race.They said it happened sometimes because of too much adrenelin being produced with the excitment of the race.
  6. dead right and anyway that pups bones arnt even properly set until 15months.More damage is done to working dogs by running and expecting too much from them at an early age than anything else.Also I would never run a dog on biteback things without an experienced dog there to show it the way and if I had to it would be its 2nd season.
  7. Why should it be an accident.I imagine Bull has been added for the same reason its been added to lurchers and terriers that is to add teeth.There are some nasty things lurking in the cover nowadays you know.
  8. just the usual, what is it? where is it? whats in it? and how much cheers GJ sorry this post was a mistake.There is no dog forsale.
  9. Having a litter always takes a bit away but you may hardly notice it.If you dont mind me saying that bitch is still a pup and has not yet become what shes going to be. You should be working that dog this coming season every oppertunity. Test it to the full and see where it excels and where it lacks before you decide what to add to it and what you are prepared to lose from a cross.We had a dog recently which we thought was a world beater but when he was coming up to 31/2 he lost his bottle one night and didnt regain it.My only consolation was i hadnt used him at stud.Dont forget the seasons jus
  10. terrier cross.young dog.£160
  11. Are they for unearthing trophies and rosettes.
  12. Yeah I know the export/import is the easy part. It doesnt have to be a working line either, showdogs are ok just as long they are small i.e correct size according to written standard. Male dogs should be between 7,3 – 8,2 kg and bitches between 6,8 – 7,7 kg. As I mentioned in previous post, show dogs here in scandinavia are 12-14 kg (50/70%) oversize Our working dogs are good enough, but we want new blood for breeding to avoid inbreeding If you have good lines you SHOULD inbreed to ensure you keep it.If you contaminate with show rubbish from the uk you could spoil what you
  13. the reason i ask is, 20 odd year ago i keepered an estate. Myself and the head keeper lived entirely off the estate, with the exception of dairy and bakery products as the estate was purely arable. Given the state of the country, I am now reflecting on how much easier it was not living in a supermarket society. It's all fuxked up bud that's my opinion. likewise MRD. Personally I'm sick of being a worker in the Great British mushroom farm. You ought to be glad the supermarkets are full of grub and youve got the brass to buy it.
  14. NO and dont believe anyone Ive ever met does either though it seems to be getting more popular to live in a state of denial about good old fashioned sport for the sake of sport and yes that does include the kill. I blame Jasper Hazelnut from River Cottage. Mr Jorrocks would turn in his grave.
  15. A couple of years ago GM had an advert in cw for all his remaining terrier stock. I know his wife still shows but I dont think he works as terrierman anymore.I think they are a lot of white Lakeland. We had a small one very game and a bigger one which was a cowardly specimen.
  16. So what if you couldnt find one 200 or under does that mean you would live without a dog. If so you really ought to consider not having one at all. why should i consider not having a dog ? not all dogs work reguardless of what the parents can do, so why should i pay a fortune for somthing that might be shite???? consider not having one!! what a load of bollocks... I think you missed my point but it doesnt matter.If you concentrate more on the price than on what you are buying then shite as you put it is probably what you will get.
  17. So what if you couldnt find one 200 or under does that mean you would live without a dog. If so you really ought to consider not having one at all.
  18. Why is that so expensive when you can pay that for lap dog that only wieghs 10lb and cant catch a cold. Lurchers and terriers are far too cheap in my opinion. Thats how they get passed around so easily and why less people breed there own stock. Easy come easy go. People say they should be working mens prices but that same working man would think nothing of going into debt for a holiday or a new gun or whatever takes his fancy. My point is if they had paid 500quid for the dog they would think twice before getting rid. Also if you dont value a dog more than 1 or 2 hundred then maybe you
  19. Both animals need to be sound with no defects.Recent defects can come through but you will be stamping the qualities of both parients into the pups locking them in.All the best stock in horses and dogs is inbred and line bred which is mostly the same thing.You should destroy any defective stock and only breed from sound animals from that litter eg. daughter back to father son back to mum and brother to sister.If all that works out you should have yourself a strain.Be very careful when you outcross.
  20. Why is that so expensive when you can pay that for lap dog that only wieghs 10lb and cant catch a cold. Lurchers and terriers are far too cheap in my opinion. Thats how they get passed around so easily and why less people breed there own stock. Easy come easy go. People say they should be working mens prices but that same working man would think nothing of going into debt for a holiday or a new gun or whatever takes his fancy. My point is if they had paid 500quid for the dog they would think twice before getting rid. Also if you dont value a dog more than 1 or 2 hundred then maybe you
  21. Dave Budd knives. put that into google
  22. I had those films for my lad to watch and we watched them together. They were very good.Some good runs.Thanks very much.
  23. You do sound a bit sad if you dont mind me saying so.
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