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Everything posted by threbb

  1. threbb


    All the ones Ive seen are crap and I would buy another.Sorry I mean I wouldnt buy another or only as a sick joke.
  2. It would have to be mate.I could buy 5ltrs of gloss for £15 and watch it dry.
  3. ok cheers. I put a cowling around my old one to channel the light.
  4. Have you got the one Im asking about from the link you gave me?thats what im trying to find out about.
  5. When you say cluson do you mean the ordinary lazerite? If you look at the cluson link the blazerite has a bigger diameter lense of 130mm instead of 100mm. When I have spoken to other dealers they it is the same has the old lazerlite but with two bulbs or bigger bulb but on the link i have mentioned the la9 model has a bigger lense. Is yours 2000,000cp? Aye sorry should have that clear...the two lamps are almost identical apart from the wiring and the reflector part inside, performance wise the blazer lite is better in my opinion having used both lamps, someone mentioned a poor spot but
  6. When you say cluson do you mean the ordinary lazerite? If you look at the cluson link the blazerite has a bigger diameter lense of 130mm instead of 100mm. When I have spoken to other dealers they it is the same has the old lazerlite but with two bulbs or bigger bulb but on the link i have mentioned the la9 model has a bigger lense. Is yours 2000,000cp?
  7. Thats a great idea.Its much easier in that position.Ive tried diffrent rucksacks but they usually come undone with the wieght.Are those harnesses expensive and where would you get them?
  8. Has anyone tried this Blazerite 2000,000 cp lamp its model la9 I think. I got the link from someone on this site.The lamp is supposed to be 130mm dia which is bigger than the normal lazerlite,but I was wondering how it compared to a Lightforce.When I used the lazerlite before it was distance they lacked for me.The Lightforce and blitz are very good but I get sick of the shoddy way they are made and the constant need for repair to wiring.I hate the thought of having to beef something up before ive used it and that ive just paid good money for.If anyone has used the 2000,000cp Blazerite with the
  9. I used to know a top greyhound trainer.Hes gone now but he won everything in his time including the English derby. You can learn a lot from people like that who train performance dogs.He was a great believer in tripe.Not as the main diet but to add to a meal.Because its a stomach it contains good bacteria.It also contains a lot of fat which dogs love.If you have a billious sort that easily gets the runs give him tripe to settle things down.Dogs also love tripe.The smell drives them mad,and as the old timer used to say a happy dog runs faster.Liver and kidneys lights are fine in small amoun
  10. have ATN biocular night shadow gen2+forsale.Cost £1000 sell for £500ovno
  11. Could you be a bit more specific?
  12. All pups are a pain but if you really dont like him and his ways I would get rid of him. I say that because sometimes you just cant take to a dog just like you cant take to some people.I have had that problem a few times and it has never resolved itself by sticking at it. much better to part company earlier than later.It seems a bit as though you are expecting the dog to perform well to pay you back for what you have suffered but you forget that it is still a pup and as a long way to go yet.When in the past i have stuck at it the atmosphere just gets worse until it also brings other dogs in th
  13. We do what we like thanks.
  14. what gen they gen 1 or 2 or 3 THEY ARE GEN 2+
  15. I have a ATN nightvision biocular "NIGHT SHADOW"GEN 2+ that can be used for night photography.I got it from america and it cost around a thouand.Would anyone be interested at around £500
  16. as far as i understand it its only a barrier cream so how does it work.Does it just keep everything off the area until it heals?
  17. Has anyone tried those new smokers that use rat oil and supposed to be quiet. Dont usually use smoke because i like the dog and me to dig but they are useful in some places especially if they are quiet.Any info appreciated.Thanks.
  18. A lot of people cough up thousands for Greyhounds and race horses and still take the same risk.In the end its always a risk but blood is all we have to go on.
  19. I bred some terriers from good stock and sold them cheap.Within two years both of the bitches in the litter had been bred untried and the pups sold £200 EACH. I wouldnt sell cheap unless i knew you anymore. I have never expected cheap myself and i cant understand those who do.If you are so worried about the price of a pup then breed your own or find another hobby because if you are a tight person the dog is better off without you anyway. The purchase price is nothing compared to rearing if done right a nd what about vet fees. You should consider first if the sport is not beyond your means bef
  20. I phoned about it but as soon as they start talking £30 for a starter kit I put the phone down. I found Sudacrem good for sore spots etc
  21. You can give Nutradex by Vetsearch from greyhound megastore that will make them pee the acid out built up by exercise also electrolytes should be given to replace losses.
  22. Sounds like you learned respect at an early age.Thats what we all should be doing, teaching the youngsters some values about hunting instead of justifying killing out of season as much as possible and then putting it down to pest control.Good lokk this coming WINTER. cheers lad , even though i was taught early do i think its right or wrong to hunt out of season? its totally wrong especially from a sport and human point of view , and if any moaning broke farmers want to moan about it dont. not what you n dev are saying on the dig with me mate on the terrier though is it?? It doesn
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