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Everything posted by threbb

  1. Does anyone know where to get this for treating wounds? I used to get a small bottle from a bloke at the dog track which was ample for the year. I know there is tablets on that American website but they are a bit pricey. I just need a basic penicilin for occasional injuries so they dont go funny.If anyone can help thanks.
  2. I dont like all that nylon stuff.Nothing better than leather when its worn in and made supple. Call 01708 22 1111 I think the blokes name is Dave.He has readymades or tell him what you want.Its good stuff and strong.
  3. Call 01708 22 1111 Greyhound and Whippet shop will make to order in good leather.
  4. Have thought of that, but he is my only big lurcher, the small bitch just gets a pasting and injures easily. I have got a mate who has offered to help out with his dog. would this improve my dog?? suppose it would boost confidence? Give it a chance if you like but my experience is he will jib again sometime.He may do ok inbetween but he will eventually jib again.A fox shouldnt be much trouble to a bullcross but I think they should all start doubled so when they get that first shock they have back up.Dont forget dogs are pack animals. Having said that some are also good actors and make a bra
  5. They look good but if you dont mind criticism I think you will regret the open bars.They would be alright if the whole range was inside a building as in a greyhound kennel block but as it is the weather will come right inside making it a run rather than a kennel. If you have opening windows and solid doors with vents you would have a nice airy kennel with a heat lamp over each bed to dry em off in winter and help sick or injured dogs.Also it would be a good idea to paint the blocks with two coats of white paint to fill the pores where bacteria get and it makes it easier to see and looks bright
  6. Who is the millmaker?If its someone who makes mills could i hav his number. thanks
  7. Get the Darcy books "EXTREME LURCHERS" "RUNNING DOG ADDICTION" They wont show you how to build a kennel or other twaddle or tell bullshit like Plummer but they will show you what you can do with a lurcher.
  8. I never understood the glucose added to food.Not even when i did it myself because thats what you did.If a dog has it for breakfast will it not add to its weight if the dog does not burn off the quick energy it produces.Is it not a short term boost perhaps better given just before a sprint if anything rather than when the dogs sitting in kennel.
  9. Can you put it on dog and bedding?
  10. Eurovet is advertising again in edrd. the number is 07925 528243
  11. No bother as long as you are buying.While you are on the phone you may as well ask how many pups or even whole litters he puts down each year.He used to farm chickens now he farms dogs and the only work the parients will have done is breeding.
  12. threbb

    kennel quiet

    are you a chippy by any chance?
  13. The best way to breed if both dogs are fit specimens and so were the parients.Kill anything faulty.
  14. threbb

    broken toe

    That does help thanks very much.
  15. threbb

    broken toe

    Any advice on broken toes.I had one pinfired once but it didnt work long term.Should I tape it or leave it.I have stopped excersize only on lead.Any opinions welcome from experience.
  16. Any Greyhound people with ideas for front broken toe.It has already calloused.Exercise has been stopped except on the lead.I have had them pinfired once on another dog but it didnt work.Would you cut nail back for instance?any advice or experience.
  17. The kind of person you are describing is genrally known as an idiot or moron and are best avoided.
  18. Its the Dog that has the skill not the lamper.The only thing about it is because the quarry is nocturnal you find more.If you live in an area that is well lamped quarry is usually clued up on what the lamp is and off like a shot at full speed.In the case of a rabbit it takes speed then to close with it.It also takes brains to change up and down the gears when on fox or deer(if they were legal).Although to listen to some on here you would think the best thing a running dog does is retrieve.The best thing a running dog can do is run and achieve great speed whilst still being in control and havin
  19. Shooting is really assassination as the fox doesnt have a clue he is in any danger so imo shooting foxes is not really sport and is carried out by men who are in love with guns more than hunting.
  20. A mate of mine has had that white dog and is made up with him.You are right the picture did not do him justice.
  21. Has anyone phoned the Dave Sly Stud office.See newspapers for details.They should be able to fill half the card.Or what about the Jeff Burrell stable?
  22. If you saw that pic in a book about pure Greyhounds you wouldnt question it.You will never know for sure so just be happy with it but be honest and dont go making up a cross that people have suggested because they havnt really got a clue.Put into the "Pedigree unknown file" and get on with working it.
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