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Everything posted by threbb

  1. im with you mate i wouldnt mind a few of the ones thats been released that are sold out. I tried to give one away and failed.Didnt even reply to my offer! you can post it to me then When you put it like that,how could I refuse? You havnt even said which one you want.
  2. The ones ive read are definately limited i,d say.
  3. im with you mate i wouldnt mind a few of the ones thats been released that are sold out. I tried to give one away and failed.Didnt even reply to my offer!
  4. ordered mine on sunday aswell mate hopefully mines will be here today then post hasnt came yet. Life in the fast lane.
  5. Thank god for that.Anything else happened?
  6. He usually comes quick,especially when you pay him.
  7. You sound a bit frustrated old thing.Perhaps you ought to have some ME time.About a minute should do it. Its very generous of you to assist in my sexual release but I shall get a friend to assist with the heavy lifting, besides you conserve your energy for this thread, it seems to have drawn your attention. Not heavy surely! You are right though.If only I had a good book to read to distract my attention.
  8. You sound a bit frustrated old thing.Perhaps you ought to have some ME time.About a minute should do it.
  9. I bet youve got a few shorts stories you would rather keep to yourself. I wouldnt encourage my kids to read crap like that.None of these boys have got an olevel between them.Come to think of it nor have I.
  10. Thats because you never give us a chance.If you are not happy with the movie i,ll give you back your money but please dont make any more trouble or you will get a 20% warning like me from the "now thats what I call a clique"mods.com Anyway love if I had a face like yours I would look really weird cos Im Jamaican. I thought you were a dick when i was reading this thread . . . . but that did make me laugh! Dont mess with me milf Im a dangerous man.Ive just mowed the lawn and i didnt even use a grass collector. MILF!!!!! . . . . . i'm 28 and child free . . . . cheeky git . . .
  11. Thats because you never give us a chance.If you are not happy with the movie i,ll give you back your money but please dont make any more trouble or you will get a 20% warning like me from the "now thats what I call a clique"mods.com Anyway love if I had a face like yours I would look really weird cos Im Jamaican. I thought you were a dick when i was reading this thread . . . . but that did make me laugh! Dont mess with me milf Im a dangerous man.Ive just mowed the lawn and i didnt even use a grass collector.
  12. Thats because you never give us a chance.If you are not happy with the movie i,ll give you back your money but please dont make any more trouble or you will get a 20% warning like me from the "now thats what I call a clique"mods.com Anyway love if I had a face like yours I would look really weird cos Im Jamaican.
  13. What about the old comers we have rights aswell,anyway cant talk now im busy organising the next publicity stunt for Johnny boy.Cant do enough for a good boss,hes just awarded me 20%
  14. Ive already sent for my copy paid for with the ransom money thanks.
  15. Its ok the prosacs kicking in.The bitterness is fading away away.
  16. Hes going nowhere mate hes mine.Can you send me some of that webbing to secure him with, ive only got a single bed and he struggles a bit at night and with me losing a leg recently its difficult to say the least.
  17. Im sorry but in the second it took me to read your post i lost all respect for you.
  18. Scent. I wrote what the legal constraints would allow. No lies were told about what dog did what. That's all i can say really. Of course, i do not know what you "Have heard", but please be aware it may not be the truth for there are obviously people out there that like to cause trouble and will lie to do so. For the record, there were three of us out on those trips, and we all know the truth... As i say in the front of all my books these days : "Many of the Names and circumstances are totally ficticious and bear no resemblance to people or places, past or present." If i have ev
  19. I'm not his friend! But I do like to show a liar up! Have a word with JD about lies.Hes just admitted to writing them in his books.Im sorry to disapoint but I stand by what ive already said.I have never sold a dog through this site.Bought yes and been very happy with my purchases which is more than I can say for the f-----g NHS neck supports you sell for collars.Only kidding but really they are shit. The 2 posts of yours that I've linked to are 2 ads on here with you selling dogs. How does the design or quality of my collars make you any less of a liar? I wubs
  20. Scent. I wrote what the legal constraints would allow. No lies were told about what dog did what. That's all i can say really. Of course, i do not know what you "Have heard", but please be aware it may not be the truth for there are obviously people out there that like to cause trouble and will lie to do so. For the record, there were three of us out on those trips, and we all know the truth... As i say in the front of all my books these days : "Many of the Names and circumstances are totally ficticious and bear no resemblance to people or places, past or present." If i have ev
  21. Im bitter, twisted and British.Whats wrong with that?
  22. PM me your address and you can have it mate.Books are for reading not selling on at a profit.Only trouble is I,ll have to find something else to wedge under the kitchen table. Hope that helps.
  23. I'm not his friend! But I do like to show a liar up! Have a word with JD about lies.Hes just admitted to writing them in his books.Im sorry to disapoint but I stand by what ive already said.I have never sold a dog through this site.Bought yes and been very happy with my purchases which is more than I can say for the f-----g NHS neck supports you sell for collars.Only kidding but really they are shit.
  24. So Mr Darcy must of told you to keep your opinions to your self and he would buy your books back ?? interesting mr darcy can i swap one of your old books for this new one ? NO..perhaps you should get your facts right fella. I told him if he did not like it then send them back and i would refund the money. I think thats a very fair thing to do . But hey, thanks for your concern. I have said it before , if you don\'t like the books please don\'t buy them. They will all be gone very shortly anyway, so its no big deal. Obtuse comments do not bother me anymore, its just a bo
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