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Everything posted by joeorcheston

  1. i got the trakker 1 man armodillo mk 11 with over wrap have put it up and it looks a real good 1,pleased with it, cant wait 2 try it out this weekend or next week got it cheap as well Joe
  2. Thanks people ive been offered a trakker 1 man armodillo mk 11 with over wrap can any 1 report on them
  3. what bivvys have people got, can u tell me good and bad points with ur bivvy. Joe
  4. nice 1 mate. whats the lake called u fished, pm me if u like Joe
  5. ok cheers. are there any good gun/tackleshops around porth? we havne been down for at least 6 or 7 years. we used to book one of the flats on above porth beach. (the end with the stream that comes from under the big rock) yeah there a fishing tackle shop in porthleven and theres a gun shop and tackle shop in helston, 4 miles from porthleven,
  6. porthleven mate, they do day trips but u have 2 book i think.
  7. best bet 4 that is mate, tell the fcuking gays 2 move then they wont hear her she should settle down after a week mate, try putting a bone in with her thats what has worked 4 me and knacker her out a bit so she wants 2 sleep. Joe
  8. im hoping ill get him again when i take a look at the lake on my own i was thinking 3 to 4lb when in my hands. Joe nice one joe!!! you do that with your mates hunting permission too???? such a good friend eh!!!! was joking mate No i dont do it on my mates Hunting Permission Joe
  9. im hoping ill get him again when i take a look at the lake on my own i was thinking 3 to 4lb when in my hands. Joe
  10. Had my biggest trout today,had 2 put it back coz i was fishing with a mate on private lake. caught it on worm with a bit of sweet corn on the tip free lineing. what weight would u say it is coz i had no scales, Joe
  11. cornishtrapper where was u fishing,porthkerris by any chance? where u go 4 the sea trout? Joe
  12. Thats a chub. looks like u had a good day Joe
  13. started last year only got basic kayak but had a good summer, cant wait till it warms up a bit and ill be out again. just a couple of pics Joe
  14. just seen this fishfish glad stubby had a good run in field, Joe
  15. £999 and the rest of the shrooms.
  16. MARKBRICK all the way if he doesnt REW. Good luck every 1 Joe
  17. fitter = faster yeah it does mean if ur dog is fit then it will be faster take track greyhounds when we used 2 have a gamble we used 2 get them really fit (bouncing) when we had gamble we let there fitness go down so there time would slow down which means there not as fast and would be down graded. fitter = faster is not compareing 2 dogs its about the dog in question a fitter dog will run faster!!!!! Joe
  18. What planet are you on? Fitter not faster! fitter = faster ?
  19. yeah walking not bricking landys head gasket has gone Joe
  20. was out lamping with Markbrick last night, good night had 8 in total pissing down with rain. my dog buddy had 3 and marks dog kat had 5 all long slips which was good marks bitch made it look easy. my dog missed a few but will learn from that. main reason 2 go out was 2 work on my dog and see what i can do 2 improve him and a few good tips off mark he said he will work on him a bit with me and ill win the comp next year good night excepted pissing it down and thanks Mark see u next week or weekend Joe just a couple pics back at van.
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