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Everything posted by Blaze

  1. £1.29 a litre Diesal last time i filled up!
  2. £25 at my local vets....Peanuts to say it will last the dog a lifetime
  3. Aye thats it mate....come Winter time it wont be worth a toss
  4. Blaze


    a good [bANNED TEXT] of mine did it he had a place down south a while ago..gonna be starting up again up this way.... is the guy's name " rat " by any chance ??? no [bANNED TEXT] i have three peices by rat already tho he went back to england over 10 years ago,i can find out where he is tho.... Did he get fed up of Sheep?...
  5. Least she had a proper working life!... RIP
  6. They will be 9 month old on the 5th May....I havnt any recent pics but i will get some in next few days!
  7. Nice...i have the litter brother to your pup...mine is also 25"...but i was talking to "N" the other day...he says they just gone 8 1/2 month?....i thought they were older but he checked his diary and said not?
  8. Good stuff Sounder....hope it works well for you!
  9. "Its just after Midnight and tonights operation is winding down".......mmmmm
  10. Blaze


    Thats why that was my first and last
  11. Blaze


    This is my first and only attempt at one a few year ago
  12. Blaze


    Just watched this on the News...the clip shown was the top clip in the link! http://search.bbc.co.uk/cgi-bin/search/res...r&q=badgers Lets hope they make the right decision!
  13. still doing same mate http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/blab/no_log.php thats what its saying Moter Poacher Please take this time to sit back and reflect the reason why you were banned....Sending indecent pictures of yourself to other Male chatters is not acceptable and will not be tolerated!
  14. Not always the case these days!...
  15. Blaze


    That clip needs removing from "youtube" before it gets into the wrong hands!
  16. Caught quite a few on foot (fox)...but was mainly used as a motor dog...on fox and the odd deer!
  17. Best iv seen on fox was a bull/ridgeback x greyhound!...
  18. At first sight of the pic straight away i thought accipter
  19. She's a nice bitch sniper and has a good attitude about her....hope she does the biz for you
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